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  • Number Theory and Combinatorics, Dickinson College (October 2013) International Linear Algebra Society - 2013 Meeting, Flipping the Technology in Linear Algebra, Providence, Rhode Island (June 2013) Teaching Seminar, Picking up the SLAC: Life at a small liberal arts college, University of Notre Dame (April 2013) Selected Articles Bland, A., Cramer, Z., de Castro, P., Domini, D., Edgar, T., Johnson, D., Klee, S., Koblitz, J., Sundaresan, R. "Happiness Is Integral But Not Rational." Math Horizons Vol

  • .   The symposium is open to music and horn lovers of all levels of musicianship in the northwest region, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Western Canada and Washington. Many participants are college and high school students from the Northwest as well as horn aficionados and vocational horn players who love playing and teaching. Many come to participate in the chance to share knowledge, perform and hear great performances. “When I attended this symposium in 2003, as a student, the

  • PLU’s total number of Fulbrights since 1975 to 100. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to “enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries.” PLU’s 2014-15 Fulbright students certainly are experiencing a variety of countries and cultures: •    Walling is teaching English in Argentina and next plans to attend graduate school or law

  • Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life Cover art by Sheila Mesick Intersections, Number 51, Spring 2020 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and… March 27, 2020 faculty newsletterIntersections

  • Scandinavian Cultural Center is dedicated to increasing and sharing knowledge of Scandinavian history and culture with the wider community of the Tacoma and South Puget Sound area.“Registrars to the Rescue volunteers will be supplying needed materials and teaching us how to create supportive and non-toxic storage solutions for our costume collection, as well as rolling up their sleeves to lift and move things around!” explained SCC director Elisabeth Ward. Ward says that the SCC’s collection, which

  • PLU Biology professor nationally recognized Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund received the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to… September 21, 2022 AcademicsBiologyCommunityCurrent StudentsInvolvementLife on CampusLutheran Higher

  • Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life Cover art by Sheila Mesick Intersections, Number 51, Spring 2020 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and… March 27, 2020 faculty newsletterIntersections

  • interested in all aspects of German cultural and history. Her research and publications are focused on the role of the artist in public discourse in East and West Germany, as well as on the exhibition of contemporary art as a cultural and political force in the Cold War era and today. Her most recent work deals with contemporary art and cultural integration. PLU Faculty ProfileIn addition to teaching on topics such as gender issues, identity, and memory in modern and contemporary art, Heather is

  • in third grade, I was in two youth orchestras and a youth choir, meaning that I had rehearsal every night of the week—my poor mom! As a prominent local artist, you stay quite busy! Tell us what other groups you perform with and about your teaching career. I am blessed to have an amazingly diverse career. By day, I teach so many wonderful students at Pacific Lutheran University and I teach some private students as well. They go on to do absolutely everything! Some play in Symphony Tacoma, others

  • with the capacity to engage in scientific transparency. You might have noticed the furor around the Reproducibility Project or perhaps the slowly emerging consideration of the more impressive Transparency of Publication guidelines. However, I wasn’t involved in those activities, and that isn’t why I’m suggesting you consider using the OSF in your own scholarly and teaching workflow. While addressing an audience for a Psi Chi Distinguished Lecture at Western Psychological Association in 2012, Brian