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  • made and what they might have done differently to achieve a different outcome.When we study what motivated individuals to make the choices they did, we can then challenge ourselves and our students to consider what other options were present in that historical moment. We can then postulate what types of options are now available to us under similar conditions. If we want a different outcome, then we must decide to take actions that differ from what was done in the past.  For some, asking tough

  • Dance 2019 – Collaborations Posted by: Reesa Nelson / April 11, 2019 April 11, 2019 By Kate Williams '16Dance collaboration has many meanings. Traditional collaborations include choreographers and composers working together to create a soundscape, or providing costume ideas for designers. Many choreographers collaborate with dancers to create the movement for a dance. Dance 2019 – Collaborations will feature two choreographed pieces by Sarah Seder, one performance from guest artist, Sam Picart

  • New Library Site Posted by: Roberto Arteaga / January 22, 2020 January 22, 2020 Welcome to the new library site! If you have found your way here, thank you and we hope the changes we made help you navigate the content available to you through the library site and the library building more efficiently. As you may have heard from MarComm, all PLU sites are getting a revamp to help them be more mobile-friendly, accessible, and to improve overall usability. As one of the most visited PLU sites, we

  • Musician turned math major is excited about teaching in his community Posted by: Marcom Web Team / April 29, 2022 April 29, 2022 By Veronica CrakerPLU Marketing and CommunicationsKevin Canady-Pete ’22 has a history with the Pacific Lutheran University campus. He grew up down the street, just a couple of miles from the university. The Franklin Pierce High School graduate came to PLU intending to pursue a music education major. While he enjoyed playing music at PLU, he discovered he had a passion

  • December 14, 2009 Risk & Reward By Chris Albert The board of directors is listening intently to a fellow member about a decision they need to make. At risk are thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands. They might lose it all. Or, they could reap great rewards. PLU students ride the economic roller coaster and find out what it’s like to invest real money in the market and what it takes to show gains. This isn’t Wall Street – it is PLU. But the decisions the student members of the

  • September 24, 2010 Exploring Egyptian tombs By Chris Albert The moment before the chamber door of an ancient tomb cracks open,  a sensation of excitement,  of discovery is running through Don Ryan ’79 – renowned archeologist and Egyptologist and PLU faculty fellow. PLU Faculty Fellow Don Ryan knows a thing or two about Egyptology. After all his team did rediscover Hatshepsut. This moment of exhilaration may come from months, if not years of research – meticulous and sometimes thankless research

  • are not just stewards of nature, but view themselves instead as a part of all nature and the ecological system, he continued.  Before a full-house in the Scandinavian Cultural Center of the Anderson University Center, Rasmussen, the Reinhold Neibuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York, gave the keynote for the Lutheran Studies Conference – Lutheran Perspectives on Political Life: “What has God to do with Caesar?” “Ours is not the same planet our ancestors

  • Symposium uplifts collaborative student-faculty research Posted by: Kari Plog / April 3, 2017 Image: Mackenzie Deane and Associate Professor of Chemistry Tina Saxowsky work in a biology lab at PLU. (Photo/John Froschauer) April 3, 2017 By Brooke Thames '18PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (April 3, 2017)- Pacific Lutheran University is aiming to increase visibility of student-faculty research across campus with its first Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 8. Previously, an

  • Meet Professor Fred Hardyway Specialist in World History joins the Department for 2024-2025 Posted by: halvormj / August 12, 2024 August 12, 2024 The History Department is excited to welcome Dr. Fred Hardyway to campus for the 2024-2025 academic year. Professor Hardyway received his Ph.D. in History from Washington State University in 2020, and will be teaching World History courses this Fall at PLU, including FYEP 101: Revolution in the Coffee House and HIST 103: Modern World Conflicts. To

  • October 17, 2013 Life of the Mind: Democracy & the American Dream – for DREAMers About the DREAM Act – and DREAMers Named after the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, a measure first proposed in 2001, DREAMers are undocumented immigrant high-school graduates who are willing and ready to pursue their educational and life goals, yet unable to do so. The DREAMers label is evocative of the familiar concept of The American Dream, and