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  • Course Title RELI 131 The Religions of South Asia - RL, VW, GE RELI 211 Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible - RL, IT RELI 212 Religion and Literature of the New Testament - RL, IT RELI 215 Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean - RL, VW, GE RELI 220 Early Christian History - RL, IT RELI 221 Medieval Christian History - RL, IT RELI 224 Always Reforming: The Lutheran Heritage - RL, VW RELI 226 Christian Ethics - RL, VW RELI 227 Introduction to Christian Theologies - RL, VW RELI 229 Health

  • The Power of Female Mentors Posted by: vcraker / December 9, 2020 Image: Barbara Gilchrist ’20 and Nicole Jordan ’15, Coordinator for The Center for Gender Equity, pose for a photo, Thursday, July 9, 2020, in Lakewood. Both were involved with the Sista Circle event. (PLU Photo/John Froschauer) December 9, 2020 College is more than your experiences in the classroom. It’s also about the relationships you build with other students. These relationships can even grow into mentorships among peers

  • August 4, 2010 The Power of Hope By David Ward, assistant professor of Marriage and Family Therapy As a marriage and family therapist, the couples I work with tend to wait until problems in their relationship have significantly escalated before they seek therapy. Fortunately, amidst the distress, by the end of the session I usually experience a feeling that keeps me loving the work I do with these couples. David Ward sought out to understand hope within the specific context of couples therapy

  • Phone: (253) 535-7672 email: The School of Nursing administrative suite is located in Room 214 of the Ramstad Building. Several administrative offices are located, within the suite, including those of the Dean, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, Associate Director of Advising, Admissions & Student Support, and Clinical Onboarding Specialist. The office staff also includes the Assistant to the Dean, Senior Office Assistant, Senior Administrative Assistant, Budget and Contract

  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards –although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards… February 23, 2018 Damian AlessandroEdison AwardsInnovation Studies minorThomas EdisonWizard of Menlo Park

  • Consecration of the Writer, 1750-1830 (The University of Nebraska Press, 1999). He authored articles on Vigny, Bénichou, Victor Hugo, and Georges Sand and contributed generously to Prism, PLU’s Humanities newsletter, and to Shadows and Echoes, a Languages & Literatures publication devoted to the art of translation. Indifferent to the corporate mantra of “productivity,” Mark has made inquiry his life rather than an instrument of his career. The U.S.’s militaristic response to 9/11 detonated Mark’s

  • October 27, 2008 Holocaust survivor recalls the child victims While presenting a story of survival Robert Herschkowitz paused for the audience to gaze at a photo of several women and their children walking unknowingly to their death. “People will remember the scene of a photograph,” he said. “The visual impact I think is most important.”Their names are unknown, said the 70-year-old Holocaust survivor, but the when, May 1944, and the where, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, are forever engraved into

  • Back to Step 3 Back to Step 5Exempt ReviewThe review time is typically shorter than other categories of review (~6-8 days).Learn more about exempt researchOnly certain categories of research qualify as exempt, based on federal regulations. Students must still submit an HPRB proposal (and accompanying documents), so that the HPRB will understand how participants’ identity and privacy will be protected. If the HPRB reviews a project and determines that it is “exempt,” no further oversight or

  • Emma Stafki ’24 explores the challenges facing Puget Sound orcas in capstone documentary Emma Stafki grew up on Washington’s Key Peninsula, hearing stories about a tragedy in 1968. In nearby Vaughn Bay, her grandparents witnessed the heartwrenching capture of Hugo, a three-year-old orca whale. Southern Resident orcas typically stay with their mothers their whole lives; losses echo throughout… May 17, 2024 AcademicsCommunicationCurrent StudentsInternshipsInvolvementJusticePacific

  • Join us for Bjug Day Oct. 15-16 and Give to what you love.
 Join thousands of others in making Bjug Day an incredible show of support for students. Let’s reach 2,024 supporters in 2024! During Bjug Day, a scholarship match — provided by a generous group of donors — means you can give to what you love AND have your gift matched with a gift to student scholarships. Scholarships are key to most PLU students’ access, success and well-being of most PLU students. Also, be on the lookout for other