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  • Can I Get a MSN if I am Not a Nurse? Posted by: mullernx / April 29, 2022 April 29, 2022 Some people recognize their passion for a particular field or profession early on in life, but many need more time and experiences to pinpoint their dream career. Nurses are no different. Some nurses have been working towards a career in the field since they began considering their professional interests, while many nurses pursued other fields of study before choosing to secure a career in nursing.Tip

  • December 14, 2009 Risk & Reward By Chris Albert The board of directors is listening intently to a fellow member about a decision they need to make. At risk are thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands. They might lose it all. Or, they could reap great rewards. PLU students ride the economic roller coaster and find out what it’s like to invest real money in the market and what it takes to show gains. This isn’t Wall Street – it is PLU. But the decisions the student members of the

  • September 24, 2010 Exploring Egyptian tombs By Chris Albert The moment before the chamber door of an ancient tomb cracks open,  a sensation of excitement,  of discovery is running through Don Ryan ’79 – renowned archeologist and Egyptologist and PLU faculty fellow. PLU Faculty Fellow Don Ryan knows a thing or two about Egyptology. After all his team did rediscover Hatshepsut. This moment of exhilaration may come from months, if not years of research – meticulous and sometimes thankless research

  • are not just stewards of nature, but view themselves instead as a part of all nature and the ecological system, he continued.  Before a full-house in the Scandinavian Cultural Center of the Anderson University Center, Rasmussen, the Reinhold Neibuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York, gave the keynote for the Lutheran Studies Conference – Lutheran Perspectives on Political Life: “What has God to do with Caesar?” “Ours is not the same planet our ancestors

  • grey area in the Anderson University Center during the month of February to view this art piece.FEB 9 Black History Quiz BowlPflueger Hall 2nd Floor Lounge – 6pm Join the PLU Black Student Union as we host our first official event during Black History Month. This night will host a Jeopardy style quiz game based on Black History facts and figures.FEB 13 BSU Club Meeting Movie & Discussion: 13thThe Diversity Center – 6:30pm Join the Black Student Union for our first club meeting for the Spring 2017

  • Refracting Spectrums of Color Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / October 8, 2019 Image: The cast of “Spectrums of Color” takes a curtain call after a performance. October 8, 2019 By By Kiana Norman-Slack ‘17Marketing & CommunicationsNayonni “Nai Nai” Watts has autism, and she’s not afraid to be open and honest about it. “If people want to learn about autism, it’s best to learn from an autistic person rather than a non-autistic person,” she says.In January Watts debuted her student-led production

  • October 17, 2013 Life of the Mind: Democracy & the American Dream – for DREAMers About the DREAM Act – and DREAMers Named after the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, a measure first proposed in 2001, DREAMers are undocumented immigrant high-school graduates who are willing and ready to pursue their educational and life goals, yet unable to do so. The DREAMers label is evocative of the familiar concept of The American Dream, and

  • view across a never-ending traverse, but rather the uplifting feeling of completion. “You know with almost every mountain I’ve climbed there’s a certain point when you start getting close, it’s hard to explain, but you know you are going to make it,” Nelson said. “It’s kind of a strange experience,” he said. “There are no excuses. I’ve eliminated my excuses. Then you look around and go ‘what’s next?’” Last May, Nelson summited Mt. Everest. He has now summited the highest peaks on five of the seven

  • February 15, 2008 Global health: Why does it matter? If public health was a fashion show, global health would be the new black. It’s hot. But what is global health, exactly? And why does it matter? Mark Twain once complained that everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. With apologies to Twain, I’d like to suggest that many people today are talking about global health but nobody seems to agree on what to do about it. Increasingly, arguments are flaring in this

  • Exploring Teaching Jobs in Washington State Posted by: chaconac / July 1, 2022 July 1, 2022 There’s no time like the present to invest in your teaching career and invest in the next generation of American students.An master’s degree in education prepares you to be an excellent teacher, offers you greater opportunity and flexibility long-term, and allows you to create a career and a life of deep impact, one child and one classroom at a time.If you’re thinking about securing a teaching job in