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  • How First Gens thrive Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / November 28, 2018 Image: First in the family group photo made up of staff, faculty, and students at PLU, Friday, April 27, 2018. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) November 28, 2018 By Nicole GonzalesResidential LifeI am proud to be a first-generation college graduate, or what Pacific Lutheran University calls “first in the family” — someone whose parents didn’t graduate from four-year, degree-granting institutions in the U.S.Navigating college

  • October 20, 2008 Free pizza, for a cost Eat if you want, but it will cost you. That was the message last week as once again the Pacific Lutheran University’s student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists created the “Republic of Parkland” in Red Square. In exchange for pizza and pop, about 150 students received a passport to the republic, and had to abide by the rules of the “country,” which encompassed six round tables in front of Eastvold Hall. To get free pizza, students had to

  • to achieve this recognition required participation in an external review process known as QUIP (Quality Improvement Program for Education Abroad). QUIP is the only independent review system for education abroad and requires a multi-step process that begins with a self-study conducted by the applying institution and site visits by a Forum Peer Review Team to the PLU campus and to one of PLU’s Gateway programs abroad. It ends with a final determination by the members of the Forum Review Panel (FRP

  • family. “A name is a part of your identity,” Lorax said. “Your name should be something you identify with.” So, since he and his partner both associate with the Puyallup River, Mount Rainier, the Pacific Northwest and South Hill—and both are involved in sustainability— Lorax it was. Meet PLU’s New Sustainability Lead: Nick Lorax. (Photo by John Froschauer) “The Lorax is the spirit creature who is the speaker for the trees,” Lorax said. “It fit.” (It’s also, of course, the title character in the Dr

  • banker dealing with accounts totaling in billions of dollars. Boeh (pronounced “Bay”) would fly wherever the deal needed to be done. “As the saying goes,” he said, “‘Everyday’s a Wednesday, I worked the last two and I’m going to work the next two.’” So why would a high-flying financial whiz become a professor? It’s not because he’s slowing down. Boeh remains very active in the world of finance. He remains active because he knows his involvement will benefit his students. By staying involved in

  • PLU receives funding from Pierce County Connected to support mental health services Posted by: bennetrr / September 29, 2020 Image: Health Center location, Monday, Sept. 28, 2020, at PLU. (Photo/John Froschauer) September 29, 2020 Pacific Lutheran University has been selected for a second time to receive funding from Pierce County Connected, a collaborative philanthropic fund led by the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation and United Way of Pierce County in response to COVID-19. PLU will receive

  • Wild Hope Center, and we look forward to learning from him and celebrating his commitment to human and ecological flourishing,” said Faculty Fellow in Humanities and Wild Hope Director for External Relations Samuel Torvend. In 2019, Steves was featured in PLU’s ResoLute magazine and shared insights about the political and spiritual benefits of international travel. “The whole idea about traveling is to get out of your comfort zone, and to gain an empathy for the other 96 percent of humanity

  • March 11, 2010 Power off – Competition on! By Chris Albert A mid-season loss of Ordal Residence Hall’s most valuable player may have been the difference between victory and defeat in PLU’s UnPLUgged tournament. “We lost our star player,” said Ordal’s current sustainability coordinator, Jason Sipe. Julia Rodrigues and Jason Sipe helped their respective residence halls in a battle to reduce energy consumption. That star player was the hall’s first-round sustainability coordinator Julia Rodrigues

  • program will soon embark on a journey from the West Coast to West Africa.The three humanitarians — Madeline Wentz ’18, Haley Bridgewater ’18 and Margaret Chell ’18 — were just the second wave of students to enroll in and complete the program, which launched in March last year.   “I always knew I wanted to serve others,” Wentz said. “I think making a difference is what we are meant to do.” Wentz, Bridgewater and Chell are among this year’s newest recruits for the Peace Corps, a hands-on volunteer

  • PLU music major Jack Burrows ’25 awarded first place at national singing competition Posted by: mhines / August 4, 2023 Image: Bass-baritone Jack Burrows performs during the Angela Meade Vocal Competition in Lagerquist Concert Hall at PLU. (PLU Photo / Sy Bean) August 4, 2023 Jack Burrows ’25, a music major at PLU, took home first place in the prestigious 2023 National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Competition held in San Diego, CA. Jack triumphed in the Upper Classical TBB Voice