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  • producing concerts through LASR for laying the groundwork toward pursuing an individualized major. The route allowed him to design and propose his own program of study. “I realized that combining those elements and creating a specialized major would open my schedule up for doing things like internships and individualized study courses that would create a better educational outcome.” Similarly, Nicole Query ’22 enrolled at PLU with plans to double major in history and political science, and minor in

  • . He earned a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering, but shifted gears and earned his master’s degree in higher education administration at the University of Kansas before arriving at PLU. “What sealed it for me to come work at PLU was, and still is, the students,” he said. “The students at PLU take the mission to heart and care for each other in a way that I never saw at the previous universities that I worked at or attended.” About 85 percent of first-year students live on campus — so there

  • clear pathways for meaningful employment for our students. Is there one new program or initiative coming in the next year that you’re especially excited about? I think the launching of the Master of Social Work program in fall 2024 will be huge. For PLU to be adding a program that responds to such a big need in our region and our state is really really exciting. This article is part of the “Science of Care” section in the Fall 2023 issue of Resolute Magazine. Read Previous Ellie Dieringer explores

  • nomination for excellence in clinical performance. The award is provided through the support of the Carlson family in recognition of their mother, Mrs. Ruth Carlson, and her strong values in support of baccalaureate nursing education. The Jessie Alice Gould Masters in Nursing Excellence Award This award was first established in May, 2017 by Mr. Tom Carlson. The Jessie Alice Gould Smith Masters in Nursing Excellence Award is awarded to a graduating Master of Science in Nursing student who demonstrates

  • literature, music and political science, history and business, or geoscience and philosophy. To see a list of past Peace Scholars and their majors, please go to How many Peace Scholars are selected?There are two Peace Scholars selected each year. What are the costs of the program?Airfare to and from Norway is paid. In addition, lodging, food and tuition are paid by the program while students are in Norway and costs would be covered if an event occurs in the U.S. Any

  • 233 Formal Logic 328 Philosophical Issue in the Law English 221 Research and Writing Statistics 231 Introductory Statistics Political Science 371 Judicial Process 372 Constitutional Law 373 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights What extracurricular activities should I do? Law schools look for students who show ambition, initiative, and drive.  Extracurricular activities can help signal those characteristics; however, the best extracurricular activities are those that align with your interests and serve

  • , Markuson is eager to apply what he’s learning over this year of service. “Now I have this year where I’m not caught up in the science but in the people,” Markuson said. “I think this will help my career as a physician.” Valery Jorgensen A Communication major with an emphasis in Journalism and a Business Administration minor, Valery started working for Marketing & Communications in the Fall of 2013. Valery is also the Assistant General Manager of MediaLab, an award-winning applied internship and

  • an intended computer science major, but switched to graphic design. Chris Haake ’17 is a transfer student who came to PLU to pursue her passion after raising kids and working various jobs. Jenny Kimura ’17 works with Impact, the student-run advertising agency, and splits her time between computers and letterpress. Read More VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact

  • . Required Preparatory Courses Required Preparatory Courses Mathematics – Two years of college preparatory math with an average grade of C or higher* Foreign Language – Two years of the same language with an average grade of C or higher* English – Four years Social Studies – Two years Laboratory Science – Two years Electives – Three years (selected from the areas listed above, as well as courses in computer science, speech and debate, visual arts, etc.) *If you are deficient in the math or foreign

  • joy telling my friends and family that I was going to be a Lute!  One thing that stood out to me the most while I was contemplating my college decision was how at some other schools when I mentioned I wanted to pursue studying medicine and science and still be involved in music, I was met with some averted glances or some passive “that’s great, good luck!” But at PLU, people who heard this were enthusiastic and shared contacts of students following similar paths. I felt supported in my passions