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  • -Being and Mental Health Literacy of College Students. Markie Brooke Gibson, BSN, RN Surveying Clinical Preceptors for Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Programs. Leslie Johnson, BSN, RN, CCRN Improving providers’ confidence in pain management under new Washington State law: Outcomes of continuing education for safe opioid prescribing. Patrice Laster-Wilcox, MSN, RN Why don’t you come? Patient Motivations And Barriers To Participating In The YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program. Ariana Norell

  • . This residency requirement opens compelling research opportunities to students and their advisors, including access to unique DOE NNSA experimental and computing facilities. The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration funds the fellowship to train scientists vital to meeting U.S. workforce needs in advanced science and engineering. Learn more and apply at:   Read Previous DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship

  • . Dragila; International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Vol. 5, 2008: Accolades 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Award in Advising, PLU 2018 "Inspirational Woman" - PLU Center for Gender Equity Outstanding Student Paper at conference in Hydrology section for presentation: “Physics of two-phase flow on rough surfaces” at American Geophysical Union Conference 2006, San Francisco Certificate of Appreciation for JPL internship and presentation awarded by the Oregon Space Consortium (2005 Annual

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  • , Maria I. Dragila; International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Vol. 5, 2008: Accolades 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Award in Advising, PLU 2018 "Inspirational Woman" - PLU Center for Gender Equity Outstanding Student Paper at conference in Hydrology section for presentation: “Physics of two-phase flow on rough surfaces” at American Geophysical Union Conference 2006, San Francisco Certificate of Appreciation for JPL internship and presentation awarded by the Oregon Space Consortium (2005

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  • energy consumption, promote alternative transportation, provide funding to student and faculty-led green proposals and take other measures to benefit the environment. Among the PLU achievements cited in the rankings, highlighted: 1.    PLU is working to earn (at least) LEED Gold Certification for every building on campus. 2.    PLU’s Dining & Culinary Services recently adopted a zero-waste policy using the Green Tray Program. 3.    Students and faculty members who would rather not

  • for Mandarin Increase the number of students graduating from high schools and colleges in our state with demonstrated proficiency at the Advanced level or higher in Mandarin Pursue appropriate funding sources to support joint collaboration among the four CIWA partners. This document was reviewed and approved by the CIWA Board of Directors on February 6, 2015.

  • Giza Alterwajn de Goldfarb Testimonial Giza Alterwajn de Goldfarb, 79, discusses her experiences of sharing her story of surviving the Holocaust and her obligation to testify. Giza was born in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1940. She was smuggled out of the Ghetto as a toddler in a suitcase and was… February 20, 2023

  • -olds in Chengdu, China, coaching youth soccer, and teaching yoga; applying for graduate studies in nutrition and naturopathic medicine, to prepare for a career as a health coach Oni Mayer’s career ambition, “to offer accessible, affordable, and sustainable health care services with a combination of western and eastern medicine,” is an expression the values of the PLU community as he sees them. “The conversations and people at PLU forced me to grow as a human and as a future health care provider

  • PhD research in the Institute for Shock Physics (ISP), which provides tremendous learning and research opportunities through: Participation in innovative and multidisciplinary research Professional growth through independent thinking and hands-on work State-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities, including the Dynamic Compression Sector located at the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne, IL) Partnerships with exceptional faculty at other academic institutions (Caltech and Princeton

  • student Fulbright recipients since 1975. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to “enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries.” It is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching and