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  • government facilities conducting research in DHS relevant areas? If you answered “Yes”, to the above questions, the HS-POWER program is for you! The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors the Professional Opportunities for the Student Workforce to Experience Research Program (HS-POWER) for undergraduate and graduate students. HS-POWER is open to students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related science

  • it’s something we are directly involved in and know a lot about, at least from a student perspective,” said Evan Heringer ’16, chief videographer of the film. “We were all pretty interested in what we found and came to the conclusion that pursuing this topic might help those who are attending or thinking about pursuing some form of higher education, have a positive experience.”The resulting documentary, These Four Years, will premiere on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015 at 3 p.m. in Seattle, Washington

  • “Impressions” exhibition hits its mark Posted by: Mollie Smith / January 25, 2017 January 25, 2017 A retrospective exhibit featuring printmaker and artist Craig Cornwall premieres at PLU on February 8. (Monday, January 23, 2017 – TACOMA, WA) It all starts with a mark: drawings with graphite, charcoal, ink and color, lithographs with marks of crayon, washes, rich color with multiple layers and wood cuts with marks that are created by the gouge of a knife. In the upcoming Pacific Lutheran Gallery

  • March 7, 2008 Vote for the first Hebrew Idol In another PLU twist on Fox’s popular singing series “American Idol,” assistant religion professor Tony Finitsis is bringing “Hebrew Idol 2008” to campus. The event stems from the final project in his “Religion and Literature of the Old Testament” course. In groups, students are asked to reflect on the contemporary relevance of the Hebrew Bible and re-tell a biblical story set in modern times. In the past, students wrote papers, created PowerPoint

  • support. The university’s Office of Financial Aid has expertise in navigating financial packages that keep student’s college careers a reality. Getting the most bang for their buck really boils down to working with financial aid counselors, working ahead and providing as much financial information as possible. Filling out the FAFSA is a must and the sooner the better, even if it is just initial information, Soltis said. “The more they can give us, the better we can work with the information,” Soltis

  • club featuring “real men.” The strip-tease side job forces the men into a exposed situation, where they struggle with their own identity in a society where an individual’s job is everything. The PLU Theatre department’s production of The Full Monty takes on identity as laid-off mill workers find strength in performing as male strippers. “What’s more vulnerable,” Clapp said, “taking your clothes off in front of people or losing your identity?” This is the first time PLU has ever produced The Full

  • September 16, 2011 Alaska Governor Sean Parnell ’84 talks to students in Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s entrepreneurship class. (Photo by John Froschauer) Alaska governor urges students to be “gazelles” of business and think independently By Barbara Clements Looking around Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s financing and entrepreneurship class, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell ’84 declared he was looking at future gazelles. At least he hoped that was the case. He urged the 15 students gathered in a

  • December 2, 2011 PLU students put their best dance moves to the test during Swing Club. (Photo by Theodore Charles ’12) More than a two-step By Katie Scaff ’13 Students in PLU’s Swing Club dance to improve their skills and make friends. The club brings together new and experienced members who share a common love for dance so they can learn from one another. “I just showed up and fell in love,” said senior English major Jen Jepsen. Jepsen came to a meeting her first year at PLU and hasn’t looked

  • October 15, 2013 He Speaks for the Trees By Valery Jorgensen ’15 Pacific Lutheran University’s Sustainability Department has a new Sustainability Lead with a suiting name for the profession: Lorax. Nick Lorax, a 2011 graduate, joined the PLU staff in May and has found a home here—for the second time. “I love it in a whole different manner now,” said Lorax, who graduated with an Environmental Studies major and Biology minor. Lorax, known as Nicholas Steele as a student, said he discovered his

  • Anni Lange ’00 uses skills learned at PLU as VP of marketing and communications for Sound Physicians Posted by: Zach Powers / May 5, 2023 Image: Anni Lange ’00 majored in communication at PLU and serves as vice president of marketing and communications for Sound Physicians. May 5, 2023 By Lora ShinnPLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterAnni Lange ’00 is vice president of marketing and communications for Sound Physicians, a national medical group headquartered in Tacoma. Lange oversees all