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  • NIEHS Scholars Connect Program (NSCP) Posted by: nicolacs / December 3, 2020 December 3, 2020 The NIEHS Scholars Connect Program (NSCP) is designed to provide a unique opportunity for highly motivated science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) focused undergraduate students to solidly connect with NIEHS and receive training in biomedical research. Students in NSCP have an opportunity for hands-on mentored research experiences, as well as professional and personal development. NSCP is

  • Spring 2017 Venue Upgrades Posted by: Jenna S / May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017 by John Struzenberg After Before Spring is a time for renewal, cleaning, and most importantly: technology upgrades. PLU has been humming away this spring and the same is true for the folks in classroom and event technologies. As the systems around campus get older, the ability to rely on and service those systems diminishes. This is where our upgrades come in. Two spaces in particular were identified as “on their last

  • You Ask, We Answer: How’s the food? Posted by: shortea / March 3, 2023 March 3, 2023 I have been impressed with PLU’s food since the moment I started working here. As someone who is very familiar with the term “hangry”, good food is an important part of my work day. With the options available both on campus and off, it’s hard to go wrong when eating at PLU. I mean, who can be mad at the occasional pop-up event with free goodies courtesy of campus dining? Some of my favorites have included

  • , April 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in PLU’s University Gallery. Sortun is on track to submit an edition of hand-printed, wood-bound books dedicated to her grandfather and memories of his lake house. The books will be displayed on a pedestal, inspired by planks of the dock. “People should expect to see the results of countless hours of grueling study – of frustration and elation – of blood, sweat and tears,” Sortun says. “Personally, and I think this will apply to others, my works displayed in the show

  • August 11, 2008 Art grants support PLU faculty PLU faculty members Holly Senn and Greg Youtz were among 80 Washington state artists to receive awards from the Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) program, funded by Artist Trust.The GAP program provides support for artist-generated projects, and is open to artists of all disciplines in Washington state. Youtz said the awards are meant to literally fill the gap between the funds an artist has available and the funds they need to make art. In 2008, a

  • January 28, 2010 Uganda: Market Exploration By Theodore Charles Over the past couple of days I have been experimenting with the local system of bartering. There is a local price and ‘Mzungu price’ which is usually double that of the local one. In one market, where I purchased basketry and various items I bargained hard enough to save 20,000 shillings (about ten dollars) and leave the market happily. “Ugandan markets contain stores that are packed tightly together and it is often hard to

  • August 9, 2011 Knight-Lutes logo unveiled for athletic gear By Chris Albert As Lutes well know, the conversation of exactly what is the logo and/or mascot for the university can be a bit of a circular conversation dotted with long pauses. We all know it well, and it goes something like this: “So what’s your mascot? Ours is a dog.” “A Lute.” (Pause.) The Lutes use a knight to bring athletics under one banner. “A what?” “So what’s your logo then?” More silence. This confusion will end this fall

  • April 10, 2014 Celebrating PLU’s Student-Athletes A breakfast on April 10 celebrated student-athletes at PLU. (Photo: PLU Athletics) April 10 breakfast highlights academic-athletic balance—and the love of the game By Tyler Scott PLU Athletics As part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division III Week, Pacific Lutheran University hosted more than 60 PLU student-athletes, coaches, faculty members and administrators for a Celebrating Our Division III Student-Athletes breakfast

  • Student-athlete forms special bond with coach Posted by: vcraker / August 2, 2022 August 2, 2022 By Craig CrakerSports Information Assistant Every game day, usually around lunch time, Jordan Thomas and Chad Murray sit down to have a chat. The Pacific Lutheran University men’s basketball star and the team’s head coach meet in Murray’s office to talk about anything and everything. The meeting can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. Topics range from that night’s opponent to

  • July 7, 2008 Speakers tell PLU audiences to reach outside themselves Rich, diverse and often divergent voices came to PLU over the last year to challenge our outlook on life and our choices. Should one eat meat, or not? What of world hunger, the environment, corporate greed, genocide and women’s rights? What can one person do to address these issues? All speakers stressed that individual choices and actions do matter – even when faced with problems on a global scale. Last fall kicked off with