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  • August 5, 2010 BIOL 125/126: Molecules, Cells and Organisms/ Genes, Diversity and Ecology Name: Sean Boaglio Hometown: Longview, Wash. Major: Undeclared, leaning Biology Professor: Jacob Egge, assistant professor of biology Sean’s advice to first-year students: “Study with someone. It is a great way to meet people in your class. And when you explain something to someone else, it also helps you understand it better.” For students who want to enter PLU’s rigorous Health Sciences track, the first

  • tried to go back forth a few times in 1998, but in the end I stayed to help with the business,” he said last week. “I really couldn’t concentrate on my classes.” And time passed. Masahide Nishimura finally rose to the level of CEO and COO. At his father’s suggestion, Nishimura decided it was time to finish his degree, 10 years later. Lasts week, as seniors packed story boards, and went over their power point presentations and handouts one more time, Nishimura, 40, flew in from Kobe, Japan last

  • April 19, 2010 Claim: A carbon tax will reduce pollution In general, a tax on an action induces people to do less of the action. A “carbon tax” would raise the price of consuming goods like fossil fuels that cause carbon dioxide emissions, thus giving incentive to consume less of these. No one likes higher prices. But we as a society pay the cost of polluting emissions in other ways. Using less fossil fuel, for example, would not only reduce carbon dioxide emissions implicated in global climate

  • March 24, 2014 PLU Vs. The Plow PLU’s men’s basketball team will help horses prepare the fields at the Emergency Food Network’s Mother Earth Farm in Puyallup on April 12. (Photo courtesy of EFN) Basketball Team Takes on Clydesdales to Prepare Mother Earth Farm for Planting By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications Pacific Lutheran University’s men’s basketball team will pit manpower against horsepower April 12 as part of the inaugural PLU Vs. The Plow event at the Emergency Food

  • Helping one bowl at a time Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / November 4, 2016 Image: on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) November 4, 2016 By Elizabeth Perkins '17Student Coordinator Pacific Lutheran University’s Department of Art & Design and Hospitality Services & Campus Restaurants are helping raise money for the hungry, one bowl at a time. PLU’s annual Empty Bowls event will be on Tuesday, November 15, from 4-6 p.m. in the Anderson University Center. The event, which is part

  • PLU Marketing Students Win Business Competition Track Posted by: Sandy Dunham / April 24, 2015 Image: A Marketing Management team made up of, from left, Taylor Gonzales, Kevin McKay, Kayla Evans, Lindsey Campbell and Austen Wilson (all ’15), took first place in a track of the 2015 Business Plan Competition. April 24, 2015 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (April 24, 2015)—A team of PLU Marketing students has won the Social Business track of the 2015 Business Plan

  • Mississippi State University Summer REU Posted by: nicolacs / November 30, 2023 November 30, 2023 The Mississippi State University Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an interdisciplinary NSF-supported summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program occurring in 2024. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated can participate fully in the Food, Energy and Water Security Summer Research Program activities and work on a research

  • New piano chair looks forward to a new chapter at PLU Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / October 21, 2011 October 21, 2011 After more than 25 years performing piano, Oksana Ezhokina opens a new chapter of her life as an Assistant Professor of Music and Chair of Piano Studies at PLU. Ezhokina performed in Lagerquist Concert Hall as a guest artist in 2000 for the very first time and says she was immediately taken with the school and the collaborative environment. “It was the spirit of the faculty, the

  • Study Washington’s Endangered Pinto Abalone Posted by: nicolacs / December 12, 2023 December 12, 2023 The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife solicits proposals for student internship projects in pinto abalone restoration through the Shewmaker Internship Program. Pinto abalone were listed as endangered by the state in 2019, and a recovery plan was published in 2022 to guide restoration activities. Projects that inform pinto abalone restoration priorities will be given preference, however

  • January 11, 2008 East Campus holiday event successful In parade-like fashion, Dolly Hale’s first grader class from Tacoma’s Elmhurst Elementary School marched across the pavement. Each purposefully carried the toy they had purchased with their parents to the waiting car. The toys were donated to PLU’s East Campus holiday event, which serves 300 needy families living in the area. The huge outpouring of support from PLU and community organizations – like those elementary school students – made