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  • be a part of it,” said Steelquist. “There has been a culture at PLU for a while [about these kinds of issues].” Steelquist said they knew they wanted to do PLU colors and stress the issue of putting the posters across campus. Lt. Col. Kevin Keller, Professor of Military Science, MSIV Instructor One of the first groups on campus to have all of its students sign pledges was ROTC, which partnered with the Women’s Center for the It’s On Us campaign. “We are heavily involved in this,” said Keller. “We

  • ; introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisites: PHYS 153 with a C- or higher. (4) ENGR 334: Engineering Materials Science Fundamentals of engineering materials including mechanical, chemical, thermal, and electrical properties associated with metals, polymers, composites, and alloys. Focus on how useful material properties can be engineered through control of microstructure. Prerequisites: PHYS 154 with a C- or higher and CHEM 115 with a C- or higher. (4) ENGR 355: Electrical Circuits

  • designer for various clients, including the University of Washington Tacoma. He earned an Associate of Applied Science in graphic design at The Art Institute of New York, as well as a bachelor’s in media art and animation from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Sam O’Hara ’16, Web/UX Designer and Animator Sam O’Hara graduated in 2003 from Western Washington University. She received her MBA at PLU in 2016, and has designed for past clients including Disney and Nickelodeon, and was Stephanie Anne Johnson’s

  • Tacoma. He earned an Associate of Applied Science in graphic design at The Art Institute of New York, as well as a bachelor’s in media art and animation from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Sam O’Hara ’16, Web/UX Designer and Animator Sam O’Hara graduated in 2003 from Western Washington University. She received her MBA at PLU in 2016, and has designed for past clients including Disney and Nickelodeon, and was Stephanie Anne Johnson’s manager and publicist during her time on The Voice. Guest

  • Critical Language Scholarship: Fully funded intensive study of a critical language. Summer. Boren Awards: For study of critical languages. Semester or academic year. BRIC Go Global Scholarship:For study of foreign language abroad. Semester, academic year, J-Term, or summer.  MeritMerit-based Scholarships American Chemical Society International Research Experience for Students (IRES) Program: Funded by the National Science Foundation, this program is to encourage talented young chemical and materials

  • most about yourself when you’re sacrificing for more than your own well-being. The military isn’t for everyone, hell, maybe it wasn’t for me either. We can all live and die in our comfort zones, but where does that leave those in need and where does that leave the potential, better version of ourselves? Zach Payton US Army 2006-2018, SFC (Ret.), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Master of Science in Nursing, PLU ‘24 Zach Service, to me, means giving of oneself beyond what could be self-promoting or

  • . The School of Business and the School of Nursing do not accept continuing education coursework. All courses accepted for any master’s degree are subject to the approval of the dean or his/her designee (e.g., program director) and the associate provost for graduate studies and continuing education. All required undergraduate level coursework in nursing (or its equivalent) in the Entry-Level Master of Science in Nursing Program is considered part of the Entry-Level M.S.N. graduate program. Graduate

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into