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  • February 26, 2012 Alum introduces a little titration magic, of sorts, into the PLU chemistry labs With a click of a mouse, magic – chemically speaking – seemed to happen in a lecture room at the Morken Center recently. Students and professors gathered around a new spectrophotometer developed by MicroLab Inc. Results of labs that used to take hours were available in minutes, if not seconds, using the new instrument, six of which (valued at a total of $10,000) were donated to PLU’s chemistry

  • January 1, 2013 Alum pursues research in Prague with follow up in Israel Laura Brade graduated from PLU in 2008, summa cum laude, with a double major in History and German. She took Bob Ericksen’s Holocaust course in the spring of 2006. She then studied for a year abroad in Freiburg, Germany. She completed her History Capstone Seminar with Bob Ericksen on the topic of the “Kindertransport,” the saving of about 10,000 Jewish children who were sent to England just before the outbreak of World War

  • Can I Get a Master’s Degree Unrelated to My Undergraduate Major? Posted by: chaconac / April 8, 2022 April 8, 2022 Maybe you’re a recent college graduate — you’re discovering that your bachelor’s degree actually isn’t going to prepare you for the career you want.Or maybe you’ve been in the workforce for several years — and you’ve decided that you either want to move in a slightly different direction in your current career or you want to change careers altogether. Whatever your specific

  • Q&A with a PLU Palmer Scholar Posted by: vcraker / January 14, 2021 January 14, 2021 A native of Yemen, Abdulghani Mosa ‘23 became connected with Palmer Scholars while a sophomore at Foss High School. Pacific Lutheran University and Palmer Scholars have announced they are expanding their partnership to better serve students of color in Pierce County. Mosa shares with us why he applied and how the program has helped him with his college career.1. How did you hear about Palmer Scholars? I heard

  • My First MOOC: A New Year’s Resolution Revisited Posted by: bodewedl / August 25, 2015 August 25, 2015 By Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer In January, I enrolled in my first MOOC to learn more about this controversial form of instruction.  It was definitely valuable, both for instructional design research and as a learning experience. The course was designed around five basic elements: video lectures, readings, weekly online quizzes, discussion boards, and video recorded “office hours

  • October 27, 2008 Holocaust survivor recalls the child victims While presenting a story of survival Robert Herschkowitz paused for the audience to gaze at a photo of several women and their children walking unknowingly to their death. “People will remember the scene of a photograph,” he said. “The visual impact I think is most important.”Their names are unknown, said the 70-year-old Holocaust survivor, but the when, May 1944, and the where, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, are forever engraved into

  • March 9, 2009 NMR is no longer under wraps It looks like a rather fat, squat water heater. A water heater with a $743,000 price tag. But to the professors of PLU’s chemistry department, the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is a dream come true. It’s easy to see they still can’t quite believe, after 2 years of waiting and receiving a National Science Foundation grant they didn’t expect to get, that it’s finally here. After being hidden behind tarps and plywood, it’s now in full display on

  • December 1, 2010 ‘I always knew I had the skills to be a doctor. Then I discovered it was my PASSION.’ By Chris Albert As a high school senior in Salem, Ore., Andrew Reyna wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do. He liked science. He was good at it. He asked how could he best use his gifts and talents in this world. Medical doctor came to mind. “The more I thought about it,” he said, “the more it made sense.” Reyna came to PLU because he knew of its reputation for sending students to medical

  • September 4, 2011 A blue heron ignores student paparazzi and continues to look for a midmorning snack at Northwest Trek. First-years have a close encounter on the wild side with the critters at Northwest Trek By Katie Scaff ’13 The sights, sounds, and even smells of local wildlife helped first-year students bond and get to know one another on an excursion to Northwest Trek Wildlife Park near Eatonville on Saturday. The group of 46 students, staff and faculty started the day with a tram tour of

  • will be job shadowing and helping plan some of their events. Jeremy Loween ’12 landed his dream internship at ESPN 710 by having a great attitude and working hard during an internship at Disney. His dream is coming to fruition because of someone Loween met while doing a Disney internship through the Disney College Program at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida in spring 2011. About two months into his internship at Disney, Loween met Galen Gordon, coordinating producer for ESPN’s show First Take