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  • Hour of Code news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Celebrate Computer Education Week By Michael Halvorson, ’85 This week is Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 3-Dec. 9) in the United States. I helped celebrate on Monday at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. The event was sponsored by… December 5, 2018 Benson LectureCode.orgComputer Science Education WeekHour of CodeInnovation StudiesMichael Halvorson

  • Game of Thrones news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    What Game of Thrones Teaches Us About Innovation By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler… May 26, 2019 Daenerys TargaryenDamian AlessandrodisruptionGame of Thronesinnovation studiesPetyr BaelishPLU

  • Hour of Code news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Celebrate Computer Science Education Week By Michael Halvorson, ’85 This week is Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 3-Dec. 9) in the United States. I helped celebrate on Monday at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. The event was sponsored by… December 5, 2018 Alice SteinglassBrad SmithCode.orgComputer Science Education WeekHour of CodeMelinda GatesMichael HalvorsonMicrosoftPaul G. Allen School of Computer Science

  • back seat with the annoying brother or the arrogant sister, and if things are really bad, having a middle sibling wedged in between. The latter usually threatening to barf or fart their way cross country. This is the setting of Paula Vogel’s one-act play “The Long Christmas Ride Home,” which will be performed along with two other plays by Thornton Wilder – “The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden” andThe Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five.” All three plays are adapted and directed by assistant

  • Cosmosis: combining the art of music with the inquiry of science Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / May 1, 2014 May 1, 2014 In Cosmosis, the final 2013 SOAC FOCUS Series Event, musicians and scientists explore how failure can empower us to pursue knowledge and success. The three-part event will take place in Lagerquist Concert Hall in the Mary Baker Russell Music Center on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 8 pm. The first part will feature works by Jonathan Newman, Beethoven and John Mackey. The second part

  • Nick Etzell ‘23 helps peers find their calling Posted by: vcraker / April 14, 2022 Image: Nick Etzell ‘23 is a double major in psychology and environmental studies from Coupeville, Washington. (photo by John Froschauer/PLU) April 14, 2022 Nick Etzell ‘23 is a double major in psychology and environmental studies at Pacific Lutheran University, with minors in philosophy, business, and innovation studies. In his time at PLU, he has been involved with the Wild Hope Center for Vocation as both a

  • , and allocated to nursing programs throughout the region well in advance of the semester, the nursing program is structured according to a cohort model. Under this model, students move through the course sequence with the same group of peers for their entire program. The number of students accepted into a cohort is determined by the number of anticipated clinical placements, and faculty are hired and scheduled accordingly. To leave a cohort and/or attempt to re-enter a different cohort is a

  • 5. The intrinsic value of the whole creationLutheran higher education follows Martin Luther’s own declaration that all of creation holds intrinsic value, from the majestic mountains to human communities to the tiniest living components of life. Some Christian traditions today may declare that spiritual matters are superior and good whereas the world is inferior and intrinsically bad. To these claims, Lutheran thought provides a resounding No! While there have been times when a bleak view of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 10, 2015)- Each summer PLU students fan out across the globe — working, researching, studying or just plain relaxing. Many students leverage the summer months as an opportunity to add depth to their resumes by completing internships at local and corporate businesses,…

    our region. It allows us to see where our strengths lie and where there is room for improvement, to guarantee future wins for the department. I also had the opportunity to work with three of my fellow interns —who are incredible— on a project. The project asked teams to generate a concept that could make the customer experience at Nordstrom more convenient. After creating a presentation, all of the stores’ teams presented their ideas for the managers throughout the store. The winning team’s idea

  • Wednesday, Oct. 5 2016 Third annual Thor Heyerdahl Lecture to open “Beyond the Horizon: The Legacy of Nordic Explorers” exhibit 2016Distinguished Norwegian sailor, journalist and writer Ragnar Kvam Jr. will present “The Life of Thor Heyerdahl: Writing the Biography of a Norwegian Icon,” for the third annual Thor Heyerdahl Lecture at 7 p.m. on Oct. 5. in the Scandinavian Cultural Center at PLU.Kvam wrote a three-volume biography on Heyerdahl, which earned him the Riksmålsforbundet’s literary