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  • progress of the conversation between tutor and student. Each week, students spend 10–20 hours working through scientific articles, scholarly literature, or literary works relating to the week’s topic, and then draft an essay of approximately 2,000 words on a question which the tutor has assigned. The tutor and student then discuss the essay during the one-hour meeting.    What is the difference between a primary and a secondary tutorial?The primary tutorial meets once a week for one hour during the 8

  • 公共区域。 如果你/妳想通过海报或其他物品来自定义装饰你/妳的房间,请与你/妳的宿舍顾问联系,了解能在短时间悬挂它们且不会损坏任何墙壁的最佳方法。Visitation Policy (探访規範)Visitors are welcome between 8:00am and 2:00am, Monday – Friday, and 8:00am to 3:00am, Saturday and Sunday, but is contingent upon mutual agreement between roommates. Visitation is unrestricted in residence hall lounges, hallways, kitchens and Kreidler and South Halls at all times. Residence halls communities may amend these guidelines by working with the Resident Assistant or the Resident Director

  • : Their jobs Immigration Attorney, Hernandez & Associates, PC Climate Strategist, Manifest Climate, Toronto Housing Development Specialist, State of Colorado Americorps Reading Lab Mentor, Wa He Lut Indian School Associate Financial Analyst, S&P Global International Program Coordinator, Bellevue College Teacher, Hoquiam School District Outreach and Referral Specialist, Yamhill Community Care Volunteer Coordinator, Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul Graduates from the last last 5 years: Their

  • recommend in this case that you also include a recommendation from either a high school teacher who has taught you a core academic class or one of your Running Start professors. We will accept up to three letters of recommendation as part of your application. What if I’m both a homeschooled AND Running Start student?You’ll find additional helpful information on our Homeschool webpage. I already know what I want to major in. What Running Start classes should I take to get started on my major?We have a

  • require a separate application to enter the program – your application to PLU is also your application for direct admission to computer science.Learn more about Computer Science Direct AdmissionEducation Direct AdmissionThe PLU School of Education offers direct admission to its program, one of the most respected in the region. Unlike many other universities, which require a separate application to their teacher education program, your application to PLU is also your application for direct admission to

  • , Larios has been fighting against stereotypes her whole life. Neither of her parents finished high school and she didn’t learn to speak English until kindergarten when, after becoming lost during a spelling lesson, she started taking English language acquisition (ELA) classes. “Our school nurse was actually the teacher and she would sit the three of us down — me, my cousin, and my uncle, who was in the fifth grade — two to three times a week, every week, until fifth grade,” she recalls. Larios

  • Conference for Holocaust EducationThe Seventh Annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education: The conference highlighted the newly-approved Holocaust/Genocide Minor at PLU, Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center teacher training and talks by Holocaust survivors. The theme for this conference was “Survivors and Rescuers.” Scholars Dr. Susannah Heschel, Dr. Hartmut Lehmann and Dr. Christopher Browning presented their latest work in this year’s theme, “Survivors & Rescuers.” Survivors

  • Annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education: The conference highlighted the newly-approved Holocaust/Genocide Minor at PLU, Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center teacher training and talks by Holocaust survivors. The theme for this conference was “Survivors and Rescuers.” Scholars Dr. Susannah Heschel, Dr. Hartmut Lehmann and Dr. Christopher Browning presented their latest work in this year’s theme, “Survivors & Rescuers.” Survivors included the story of the Brill family

  • by college writing instruction. “Writing plays such an important role in academic and professional life. Writing is something that we all do. It’s also something that we can all do better. Adding one more wrinkle is the reality that digital media has altered many of our traditional expectations about written communication. Writing—as we have thought of it for hundreds of years—is vastly changed.” Part of Scott’s interest as a writing teacher, then, is figuring out how to prepare students for the

  • recommend in this case that you also include a recommendation from either a high school teacher who has taught you a core academic class or one of your Running Start professors. We will accept up to three letters of recommendation as part of your application. What if I’m both a homeschooled AND Running Start student?You’ll find additional helpful information on our Homeschool webpage. I already know what I want to major in. What Running Start classes should I take to get started on my major?We have a