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  • A Final Foss Farewell Posted by: mhines / June 20, 2023 Image: The moon above Foss at the outdoor dinner on move-in and orientation day at PLU on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014. (Photo/John Froschauer) June 20, 2023 After 58 years, PLU is saying goodbye to Foss Hall.PLU begin demolishing the vacant Foss Hall on June 12, 2023. The demolition of the facility has been in the plans for almost 8 years, but now the time has come. Foss Hall was built in 1965 to house “boomers” of the 1960s and ’70s when

  • September 15, 2008 Care for the earth It all started because of the health department. A year ago, when the University Center closed down for its remodel, Dining and Culinary Services had to find a new place to feed the majority of the university’s students. They moved to the Columbia Center. That space, however, could not accommodate a commercial dishwasher, so meals were served on paper plates to alleviate health department concerns. But what to do with all that paper? Contaminated paper

  • How Community Meals bring people together at PLU Posted by: mhines / January 3, 2024 Image: PLU and Trinity Lutheran Church are partnering up for a new collaborative dinner series, Community Meals. Community members gather around a table enjoying October’s meal and company. (All photos provided by Rev. Jen Rude) January 3, 2024 When people at PLU are asked, “What do you love about PLU?” “The sense of community” is the response you hear most often. This fall semester, different groups on campus

  • March 1, 2012 Facebook helps Scandinavian alumni stay in touch and up-to-date on all things PLU. Facebook helps keep alumni in touch Facebook is opening the door for PLU alumni from around the world to keep in contact with each other and their alma mater. “It’s a great vehicle to stay in touch,” said Kjell Thompsen ‘ 94, ’97, president of the PLU Scandinavian Alumni group. “I think it’s very important for alumni to stay in touch.” Both professionally and personally there are so many networks

  • Public health concerns update Posted by: Student Life / August 23, 2022 August 23, 2022 Dear PLU Community, We are writing today to provide you with a follow up to the communication that you received on July 29, 2022. In that communication, we outlined fall protocols for both COVID-19 and MPX (previously referred to as Monkeypox). Now that more detailed information about risk mitigation for MPX has become available from the CDC, the Washington Department of Health (WADOH), and Tacoma–Pierce

  • Scholarships for Graduate Studies at the Institute for Shock Physics Posted by: alemanem / October 27, 2020 October 27, 2020 Understanding Materials at Extreme Conditions Graduate students from a range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Geo/Planetary Science) have a unique opportunity to study the response of materials at extreme conditions with the internationally renowned scientists at Washington State University (WSU). Working within their

  • bagel Lunch: burger and fries or taquitos and Mountain Dew Snack: any kind of breakfast food Dinner: pizza from Little Caesars Late Night Snack: “Taquitos, Eggos, or cereal or chips or pizza–whatever’s there.” Read Previous Follow your dreams and say “yes” to opportunities, Patricia Krise advises Read Next Snow much fun COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS A

  • What About Monkeypox? Posted by: Marcom Web Team / July 14, 2022 July 14, 2022 Monkeypox has now shown up in Pierce County and we are in close contact with Tacoma Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) to determine an appropriate initial campus and Health Center response to this matter. TPCHD sends out regular updates on new cases, which, as of today, number two unrelated individuals, neither of whom have experienced recent travel. This link will take you to the TPCHD announcements related to

  • MediaLab Premieres documentary about food waste Posted by: Todd / November 15, 2014 November 15, 2014 Wastefulness can produce distressing results. This is especially true in the international food industry, in which more than one-third of all food produced globally each year goes to waste, resulting in economic, energy and environmental losses totaling more than $750 billion annually, according to the United Nations. Intrigued and disturbed by this statistic, Pacific Lutheran University (PLU

  • April 26, 2013 PLU Student Involvement organized this year’s Relay For Life event on upper campus Friday April 26. (Photo by Thomas Soerenes ’14) Relay For Life at PLU raises nearly $20,000 By Jesse Major ’14 Roughly 200 people attended the PLU Relay For Life April 26 and raised nearly $20,000. Relay For Life is a volunteer-driven cancer fundraising event of the American Cancer Society. Each relay team is required to have one person walking on the track at all times during the event. Mackenzie