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  • December 1, 2012 Dallas Gordon ’14: ‘Kraft and Betty Crocker ain’t got nothing on my dad.’ Gordon checks the step-by-step instructions on the back of her box of Hamburger Helper to make sure she doesn’t overcook her noodles. Gordon moved into a house off campus with her friends this year and has been slowly but surely learning the ropes to cooking on her own. She’s learned live off boxed versions of her favorite foods from home, homemade jambalaya and macaroni and cheese. “I have a lot of boxed

  • December 7, 2012 PLU grad continues to give back to his community and greater Tacoma area By Igor Strupinskiy ’14 President of Korsmo Construction, John Korsmo ’84 is building more than just academic halls. His company, founded by his father, John Korsmo Sr., is focused on sustaining community, both at PLU and in the greater Tacoma area. “We want to be of help where we can,” Korsmo said. John Korsmo (far right) with Martin J. Neeb and their wives, Lisa Korsmo and Barbara Neeb, in front of the

  • Connecting for Commerce: Port of Tacoma Executive Director Eric Johnson ’83 Posted by: Zach Powers / November 7, 2022 Image: Eric Johnson ’83 is the executive director of the Port of Tacoma. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) November 7, 2022 By Zach Powers ’10PLU Marketing & CommunicationsWhen Pacific Lutheran University alumnus Eric Johnson ’83 majored in political science and minored in biology, he wasn’t sure how the two would fit together in a career. After he graduated from PLU, he earned a

  • How do you handle being the “first” or the “only”? Nikki Plaid ’96 (full oral history interview here)Born and raised in Las Vegas as a Lutheran, Nikki Plaid found PLU naturally through her family and her pastor. Her first night at PLU was the first night she had been out of state, and she was determined to make the most of her experience. In addition to picking up two majors (in political science and global studies) and a minor (in women’s studies), Nikki got involved with the Black Student

  • “Attending a chemistry program at a small liberal arts school…gave me post-graduation opportunities! I was able to do research at PLU, research through an REU program at an R1 school, and had multiple post-graduation options months before I graduated. Thank you for preparing me for a life of inquiry in the sciences!” – Caleb Chandler ’17 Research By Area Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Angie Boysen, Ph.D. Brian Naasz, Ph.D. Biochemistry Tina Saxowsky, Ph.D. Dave Song, Ph.D.  Physical

  • on chromosome 17 and it affects women more than men. Though there are risks for men as well. There are two copies of this gene in everyone. One of the genes comes from the mother and the other comes from the father. If one of the parents have the harmful variant of the gene, their child has a fifty percent chance of inheriting the harmful variant. This is due to humans having 46 chromosomes in a cell that are divided by 23 pairs. The BRCA 1 protein helps to fix strands breaks in damaged DNA cells

  • Alumni Feature: Jeremy Mangan Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / April 20, 2012 April 20, 2012 Who: Jermey Mangan – Graduated from PLU in 1998 with degrees in fine art and German Many SOAC students hope their careers turn out like Jeremy Mangan’s. Currently, he is included in Tacoma Art Museum’s 10th biennial, a group exhibition at Cornish College and a finalist for the prestigious and generous award called the Neddy. He’s the subject of a feature in an upcoming arts and culture publication and

  • Legacies of the Shoah Just another WordPress site Legacies of the Shoah Understanding Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. Home Why a Symposium Schedule Speakers About the Wang Center Contact         Symposium noun : a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject From the Greek symp-po-sium : a drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in ancient Greece after a banquet Why a symposium? The biennial international symposium at Pacific Lutheran University is

  • 27th Annual PLU Invitational High School Orchestra Festival October 25, 2024Mary Baker Russell Music Center | Asieh Mahyar, DirectorFor over twenty years, the PLU Orchestras have hosted up to a dozen of the finest high school orchestras and chamber orchestras from around the region for a day of music making and sharing. The Annual PLU Orchestra Festival offers your ensemble an opportunity early in the year to hone their performance skills and get great feedback from both our faculty and the

  • Adrian Arrives A student from Alaska discovers his love for computer science and lands his dream job at Netflix. Posted by: nicolacs / November 1, 2022 Image: Image: Adrian Ronquillo ’22 (PLU Photo/Sy Bean) November 1, 2022 By Veronica CrakerResoLute Assistant EditorDuring his senior year, computer science major Adrian Ronquillo ’22 filled out 203 job applications. Despite already having a job offer from a tech company he was interning with, he wanted to see what other opportunities were