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  • Art & Design CapstonesSee what our seniors have accomplished.Jump to a class year: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2006 | 1998Alumni, submit your websites and portfolios! Please fill out the form linked below with details you’d like to share. Alumni Form Class of 2017 Portfolios Angelo Mejia '17BFA: Studio Arts, Concentration in Graphic Design Interests: game design, photography, and video editing Portfolio Krista Morford '17BFA in Graphic Design Combining

  • , Mexico and Canada, including performances at the International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music in Almería, Spain, the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater in Mexico City, and the Bibliothèque de Dinan, in Brittany, France. Pursuing a dual career as pianist and harpsichordist, Dr. Powers has performed with ensembles including the Washington Idaho Symphony, the Fort Collins Symphony, the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado, Boulder’s Seicento Baroque Ensemble, and the Peabody Chamber Players (under the

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  • Canada, including performances at the International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music in Almería, Spain, the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater in Mexico City, and the Bibliothèque de Dinan, in Brittany, France. Pursuing a dual career as pianist and harpsichordist, Dr. Powers has performed with ensembles including the Washington Idaho Symphony, the Fort Collins Symphony, the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado, Boulder’s Seicento Baroque Ensemble, and the Peabody Chamber Players (under the direction of

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  • June 15, 2009 Perspective: Rethinking the global citizen The field of Subaltern Studies came into existence to address a perceived problem with the way that existing scholarly paradigms in anthropology, Latin American studies, and many other fields, had understood the “objects” of study: people in cultures other than those of the scholar. Subaltern Studies sought to engage the subaltern as an ally and participant in the academic process. The communities being studied in this way, at least

  • School of Business Student Clubs The School of Business is home of some of the most active and dynamic student clubs, which are open to all students interested in business. Honor societies are available for those who are majoring in the School of Business. PLU School of Business Ambassadors PLU School of Business Ambassadors (SoBA) is a highly selective group of undergraduate students who work with the Dean and Undergraduate Director to promote the school’s programs, activities, and services

  • organizations, entrepreneurs, and the economic forces that shape our contemporary world and society.October Languages and Literatures: The Bjug A. Harstad Memorial LecturesExplores the Scandinavian culture and traditions to carry out Bjug Harstad’s plea to maintain ties with the culture.October (during Bjug Day of Giving) Holocaust and Genocide Studies: The Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust EducationProvides educators, students, and community members with a way to use the lessons of the Holocaust to

  • Introduction: African ArtIn terms of land mass, Africa is a large continent, in which all of the United States, Europe, China, India, Mexico and Japan could easily fit. It is also a place of tremendous diversity, in terms of languages spoken, ethnic identities, cultural traditions, environments in which people live and work, and historic experiences. Sadly, popular culture has profoundly shaped what Africa, Africans, and their rich and diverse cultures are “supposed” to look like, emphasizing

  • offers the supervision of an experienced and approved social worker. This provides you with the opportunity to integrate your classroom learning with hands-on work with clients who benefit from the help you provide. Global Emphasis The social work curriculum is infused with content on other cultures both in this country and abroad. Students have opportunities for study abroad as well as field learning in other countries. PLU’s Pacific Rim location and Tacoma’s diverse community afford students an

  • , the students had to learn an entirely new vocabulary. Plus, Olsen said they worked hard to make the script sound conversational, even if that meant some of the lines weren’t grammatically correct. The film festival is the invention of former German professor Annekathrin Lange. Along with providing students a unique setting to use their language skills in, it also brings cohesion and unity to the department, Taylor said. For more information, visit the languages and literatures department’s Web

  • The Head in the Game: Q&A with PLU Coach Goes Inside the Mind of an Athlete Posted by: vcraker / February 16, 2022 February 16, 2022 By Veronica CrakerAssistant Director of CommunicationsZach Willis ’19 earned a BA in kinesiology with a concentration in health and fitness promotion and minored in sport and exercise psychology while playing on the football team at Pacific Lutheran University. Last year he returned to the university to serve as the football team’s assistant offensive line coach