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  • Evan Heringer ‹ Resolute Online: Winter 2016 Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway Lutes Welcome Note Setting The Course On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Connection Events Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Family and Friends Mike Benson Submit a Class Note Calendar Highlights Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway

  • Nanci Smith ‹ Resolute Online: Winter 2016 Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway Lutes Welcome Note Setting The Course On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Connection Events Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Family and Friends Mike Benson Submit a Class Note Calendar Highlights Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway Lutes

  • Samuel Torvend ‹ Resolute Online: Winter 2016 Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway Lutes Welcome Note Setting The Course On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Connection Events Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Family and Friends Mike Benson Submit a Class Note Calendar Highlights Home Features What Was/Is It Like To Be… The Call Design School Open to Interpretation Attaway

  • alumni, current and prospective students and families to meet each other and to engage with PLU. Kathy oversees Homecoming & Family Week, Connection Events, Summer Send-offs, Grad Fair, Senior Toast and, in collaboration with the Wang Center, the Alumni Travel Seminar program. She seeks fun and inspiring ways to keep alumni connected to PLU and to its mission. Biography Kathy graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in interior design and worked for an architectural firm in Seattle

  • The School of Nursing at Pacific Lutheran University complies with all Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) rules that relate to nursing education programs. Event reporting and recordkeeping requirements are in accordance with WAC 246-840-513 that states, “The nursing education program shall keep a log of all events reported by a patient, family member, student, faculty or a health care provider resulting in patient harm, an unreasonable risk of patient harm, or allegations of diversion, and

  • .  JOB HUNT BUFFERING Ronquillo grew up in Ketchikan, Alaska in a close Filipino family. He grew up playing music and initially thought he would pursue it as a career. It was his love of music that brought him to Pacific Lutheran University.  “I saw that PLU had an awesome music program, so I was like ‘Yeah, I think I’m going to PLU,’ ” he said. “But then I decided to change my major to computer science because I just realized that I like making games and websites. For some reason, sitting down at

  • with a preceptor whose practice meets the specific objectives of the clinical course. For NURS 774 Women and Children in Primary Care, the FNP student might be matched to a pediatric nurse practitioner or pediatrician as a preceptor. For NURS 655 PMHNP III Psychotherapies across the lifespan, a PMHNP student might be matched to a family and marriage counselor/therapist as a preceptor. PLU’s current Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Advanced Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) grant

  • Spring 2017 Tour: Light of Common DayThanks for your interest in the Chorale and our 2017 spring tour. This website contains information about the choir and conductor Brian Galante, as well as print media designed to help spread the word about our tour concerts. Our tour repertoire will feature a wide variety of styles and genres–something for everyone! We hope you will explore this website to find out more information about our tour. Please share it with friends, family and co-workers. We look

  • A Semester in NantesSarah Hubert, a BA Acting/Directing and Music double major with a minor in French, studied away in Nantes, France through IES in Spring of 2014. A sophomore at the time, Sarah describes how she found her program. After working with Carmen in the Wang Center, she ultimately chose to study in Nantes because it was an immersive language program in a smaller urban area with the opportunity to live with a host family, all of which equates to less English. The program also

  • , funny, and harmless. In reality, stalking can be scary, dangerous, isolating, and traumatic. A stalker is most often a current or former intimate partner, an acquaintance, or a family member. “Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalkers use a variety of tactics, including (but not limited to): unwanted contact including phone calls