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  • Trumpet (Keveli Music Selected Articles "Learning from the Best." International Trumpet Guild Journal 06/2013: "Tales from the Crypt: Recovering from Severe Embouchure Injury." International Trumpet Guild Journal 10/2011: "Completing Ives’s Universe Symphony: An Interview with Larry Austin." American Music Vol. 26, Number 48, "Realizing Ives’s Universe Symphony: An Interview with Johnny Reinhard." American Music Vol. 28, Number 4, Accolades 2017 recipient of the Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching

  • I’m pursuing the right path.”The council selects one recipient every two years. Last year was Hammerstrom’s first complete year of teaching at PLU – or anywhere else. In 2010, he earned his Ph.D. in religious studies from Indiana University. A northwest native – from the Portland area – he always wanted to return to the Pacific Northwest. Working at PLU provided a great opportunity to return to an area he loves and to follow his passion for Buddhist studies. The accolades haven’t stopped with the

  • Speakers Bureau’s 2015-16 roster. Ciabattari, who describes her selection as “an opportunity to bring conversation about families to the public,” will join a cohort of other notable experts who will travel throughout the state giving public presentations. Ciabattari has been teaching at PLU since 2007. After receiving her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Washington, Ciabattari says, she wanted to build her career at a liberal arts school where she could work closely with undergraduate students

  • , integration, or application of knowledge. Professor of Music Gina Gillie was one of the recipients of the K.T. Tang Faculty Excellence Award in Research for 2023.The university sponsors the Faculty Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of the faculty in five areas of faculty work: teaching, advising, mentoring, research, and service. Their peers have nominated and selected the recipients, signifying their high regard among those who know them well.Professor Gina Gillie has

  • Quick Facts Why Study Religion? Religion provides orientation and direction for individuals and communities, societies and cultures. The study of religion engages enduring questions about the meaning of life in a context of liberal arts learning. While discovering the history, thought, and practice of various traditions, you will explore and clarify your own world view. Why Study Religion at PLU? You will find teachers committed to excellence in teaching. In addition to your classroom learning

  • pathways and barriers to building community-based climate resilience in Washington. Sam Rise ‘11, School of Ed Masters ‘12 graduated from PLU with a degree in Mathematics and a master’s in education. Right after finishing his master’s degree, he served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Namibia (2012-2014), teaching mathematics and computer classes in a rural secondary school. During his service, Sam established the Namibian Ornithological Volunteers Association, which promoted environmentalism and an

  • . We work with the students to do everything. I’m rarely alone. I love giving students the agency to participate and create.  How would you describe your teaching style? Controlled chaos with copious reference material. I am methodical on the course site and in planning, and I’m chaotic in the classroom. I’m incredibly animated in the classroom. My lectures are usually active, since I am almost always teaching students how to do something. … My catchphrase has become “Keep messing it up,” because

  • Fall 2023 Technology Workshops Fall 2023 Technology Workshops Information & Technology Services (I&TS) is offering a number of technology workshops in support of teaching and learning at PLU. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. For a complete listing of workshops, see the workshop flyer . The… February 3, 2022 trainingworkshops

  • Using Google Maps in the Classroom: Teaching an old software new tricks by Jenna Stoeber Christmas break is nearing, and with it comes a chance for faculty to catch their breath after a long and hard fall—before revving back up for another semester. The holiday break is ideal for exploring new methods of teaching, so why not… November 30, 2015 google apps for educationgoogle earthgoogle mapslesson plansonline learning

  • Encouraging Biliteracy Through Online Learning Dr. Bridget Yaden, professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies at Pacific Lutheran University, served as the President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) for the very eventful year of 2020. ACTFL is a national organization of language teachers, with a… May 13, 2021