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  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muer

  • By:Joanna Gregson January 20, 2017 0 Welcome 1024 427 Joanna Gregson Joanna Gregson January 20, 2017 September 25, 2017 Welcome University professors often describe themselves as “teacher-scholars.” The hyphenated identity reflects the two fundamental dimensions of a professor’s work

  • By:Mark Albanese January 30, 2017 0 Attaway Lutes 1024 427 Mark Albanese Mark Albanese January 30, 2017 February 16, 2017 Attaway Lutes Molly Lindberg ’17 claims important seat in a men’s team boat in Oxford, England Molly Lindberg ’17 was an unlikely passenger in the boat on the River Thames

  • By:Tamara Williams January 20, 2017 0 Welcome 1024 427 Tamara Williams Tamara Williams January 20, 2017 February 16, 2017 Welcome Reflecting on the state of the world and our own communities can be overwhelming. Unprecedented migrant and refugee crises throughout the globe

  • Knutson Lecture

    Relations Council awarded me the year’s Courageous Leader for my work at SF State, a sometimes-hostile campus for Jews. My parents are still worried about me. When it rains, it pours. In a single lucky month, I appeared in a PBS television show, American Jerusalem, offering insights into the history of San Francisco Jews, and then enjoyed 8 of my minutes of fame on NBC’s prime-time “Who Do You Think You Are?” teaching academy-award winning actress Helen Hunt about her San Francisco Jewish roots. While

  • By:Kari Plog '11 January 31, 2017 0 Antarctica 1024 532 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 31, 2017 January 30, 2019 Antarctica Professor of English Charles Bergman urges people to embrace the humanity of animals The globe is Charles Bergman’s classroom and research lab, and he’s

  • The Pacific Lutheran University Choral Union will present a tour preview concert on Tuesday, July 11th at 7:30 pm in Lagerquist Concert Hall. This summer’s two-week tour will be to France, with concerts scheduled in Arles, Alixan, Colmar, Troyes, Bayeux and Paris. The tour repertoire…

    Choral Union Tour Preview Concert Posted by: marshrl / July 3, 2017 July 3, 2017 The Pacific Lutheran University Choral Union will present a tour preview concert on Tuesday, July 11th at 7:30 pm in Lagerquist Concert Hall. This summer’s two-week tour will be to France, with concerts scheduled in Arles, Alixan, Colmar, Troyes, Bayeux and Paris. The tour repertoire includes works by Ko Matsushita, Jake Runestad, Francis Poulenc, Cecilia McDowall, Kirke Mechem, Stephen Paulus, Eric Whitacre and

  • Medication on Individuals with Bipolar Disorder (BD)” 8. Emelie-Emric A. Pennington-Davis “Dungeons, Dragons and DBT: Fostering Identity Exploration and Social Connection Through Therapy-Informed Imaginative Roleplay” 9. Jalena Samuel & Alexis Schuler* “How Forgiving Are You? Judging Homicide Cases.” 10. Angela Jimenez & Crystal Quiton* “Investigating the impacts of self-forgiveness as it relates to hope” Session 2: 5:00-6:00 p.m.* PSYC242 Advanced Research Methods Project1. Alisha M. Nkwonta2. Alan

  • By:Zach Powers '10 May 26, 2016 0 Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 1024 427 Zach Powers '10 Zach Powers '10 May 26, 2016 July 2, 2017 Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 TACOMA, WASH. (Jan. 13, 2017)- Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 was 18 when he returned to Colombia. Although he considered it a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 23, 2016)- Imagine using bananas and a circuit board to create a piano. Absurd? Thanks to the maker movement and some creative minds, it isn’t. Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Education & Kinesiology is bringing that creative spirit to campus April 12…

    maker movement has impacted education and how schools can set up their own makerspaces for students. Makerspaces offer community centers equipped with 3-D printers, laser cutters and other high- and low-tech tools available to people from all walks of life. “It’s like 21st century wood shop,” said Dr. Leon Reisberg, recipient of the Jolita Hyllan Benson Endowed Chair in Elementary Education. The workshop and subsequent lecture will feature speakers Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager, co-authors of the