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  • area of Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), already has been ranked as one of the top 100 graduate nursing programs in the United States by U.S. News and World Report. “The DNP program is the first doctoral program at Pacific Lutheran University,” said Teri Woo, PLU Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Nursing Programs. “The DNP degree will prepare nurses to be leaders in the current complex healthcare environment. We offer DNP tracks for nurses who want to become FNPs and for those who

  • April 1, 2012 Michael Pavel, Skokomish Nation tribal member and Professor of Education Studies at the University of Oregon, gives the keynote address for Earth Day at PLU. (Photos by Theodore Charles ’12) Skokomish Nation tribal member brings emotion to Earth Day By Katie Scaff ’13 We need to get back to the environment, because that’s where peace and harmony exist, according to Michael Pavel, Skokomish Nation tribal member and Professor of Education Studies at the University of Oregon. “We are

  • Greely. They will offer unique perspectives on the evening’s discussion topic, “Enhancement,” exploring the implications of technology-driven enhancement in biomedicine. Professor Tim Brown from the University of Washington’s department of Bioethics and Humanities will share a presentation titled “The Moral Enhancement Project: Fear, Anger, and Agency.” Brown is a founding member of and long-term contributor to the Neuroethics research focus within UW’s Center for Neurotechnology. He also leads

  • values; Freedom for expression and protection of learning; A liberating foundation in the liberal arts; Learning and research within community; The intrinsic value of the whole creation; Discerning one’s vocations in the world; and Service to the advancement of life, health and wholeness. Flowing from the creation of Core Elements, in July PLU and the ELCA Office for Colleges and Universities sponsored the first-ever conference on introducing faculty and staff to the intellectually robust and world

  • .” The course runs every year, focusing on real-world clients. During fall semester, 42 students directed their attention toward Skagit Valley, a region about 60 miles north of Seattle. Agriculture and crop production is the primary industry there, thanks to renowned soil quality and more than 90 crops grown in the area. Students in the class looked at branding Skagit Valley as a region and creating a tourist destination for those traveling between Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia. They

  • professional network through social events and engaging activities Gain the skills and knowledge to become a future leader in the aerospace industry   There are a total of 5 Lab Technician Internships within Boeing Research and Technology labs.   Three student intern positions will work in the Chemical Laboratories. Job duties may include preparing materials for test parts, testing of materials and performing chemical analysis on the materials. Materials will range from metal coatings to sealants to paints

  • September 4, 2011 A blue heron ignores student paparazzi and continues to look for a midmorning snack at Northwest Trek. First-years have a close encounter on the wild side with the critters at Northwest Trek By Katie Scaff ’13 The sights, sounds, and even smells of local wildlife helped first-year students bond and get to know one another on an excursion to Northwest Trek Wildlife Park near Eatonville on Saturday. The group of 46 students, staff and faculty started the day with a tram tour of

  • . 3. How has Palmer Scholars supported you during the application process to PLU? They helped me to figure out that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to and work hard at. Palmer scholars believed in me without looking at my GPA or my English level, and judging me, but based on my character. They assisted me in finding my path to success, and the confidence in myself to do anything I put my mind to without hesitation or fear of my identities failing me. They helped me to apply for

  • ] Paul Tillich.” Paso graduated with a degree in religion and German, and after spending some time working in downtown Tacoma at a church, left last year to Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship to work with Armin Kohnle, director of the Institute of Church History at the University of Leipzig. With Kohnle, Paso studied “common chest” ordinances in the early reformation period. “Common chest” literally refers to a locked box where donations where kept for the poor in a church. “It was basically early

  • Renzhi Cao innovates in the classroom Posted by: Zach Powers / June 5, 2022 June 5, 2022 By Lisa Patterson ’98ResoLute ContributorIf you search for the CV of Assistant Professor of Computer Science Renzhi Cao, Ph.D., you’ll find a list of published research papers longer than Foss Field. He says it’s a great feeling when a new piece of research is published. But what he finds most rewarding is bringing his students alongside and sharing with them the value of hard work, hands-on learning and