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  • Hoelter’s count. While monotonous work, Hoelter and Treichel agreed it was exciting to see all the variations of this very practical art form. “This gives you an idea of how this site fit in with the Aztec economy as a whole,” said Treichel. “This is a very basic technology,” said Andrews, carefully handling the large flake in his hand. It was used to shaving, hunting, scraping hides and drilling. Obsidian is the sharpest substance on earth. Yes, even sharper than steel. Under an electron microscope

  • November 29, 2011 Paris Cochran ’13 was the first American, and female student, to go into rural Oaxaca with HELPS. “I was able to change their opinion about what Americans, and students, are capable of.” Paris Cochran’s cool internship: HELPS International By Steve Hansen Every student who participates in PLU’s Gateway study-away program in Oaxaca, Mexico, has to participate in a four-week internship. Based on the students’ interests, there are many internship options during the semester-long

  • February 24, 2012 Rick McKenney, Executive Director, Water for Humans, speaks about water issues in Oaxaca, Mexico. (Photo by John Froschauer) Suffering from Water in Oaxaca By Katie Scaff ’13 We all need water, said Rick McKenney, executive director of Water for Humans. McKenney kicked off the second day of the Wang Center’s Water Symposium with a talk about the challenges and opportunities with water and sanitation in Oaxaca. “Suffering from water – this is what Mexicans say when they are

  • Emmy-Nominated Documentary Screened for Powell-Heller Holocaust Conference Posted by: Zach Powers / March 5, 2015 Image: Filmmaker Steven Pressman at the Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education at Pacific Lutheran University (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) March 5, 2015 By Evan Heringer '16PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (March 5, 2015)- Writer and director Steven Pressman screened his Emmy-nominated documentary film, 50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. & Mrs. Kraus, on

  • Mercury Excellence Awards for her branding and designs for MediaLab’s 2014 documentary, Waste Not: Breaking Down the Food Equation.Cox, a senior Graphic Design major with an Art History and Publishing and Printing Arts minor, has been a graphic designer for MediaLab since 2012. The award makes Cox’s branding for the documentary Waste Not second worldwide in the “Campaigns-Nonprofit/Public Affairs” category. The film, which premiered in Fall 2014, explores global food waste. “I worked on the graphics

  • Major Minute: English Posted by: mhines / April 25, 2024 April 25, 2024 So, … what can you do with an English major?Endless possibilities await! Proficiency in critical and creative reading and writing is crucial in today’s information-driven economy. An English major will equip you for any path that demands, effective communication, appreciation of diversity, and creative expression. Watch this Major Minute featuring Chair and Professor of English Jim Albrecht to explore PLU’s English program

  • Research Experience for Undergrad Students Posted by: nicolacs / October 19, 2016 October 19, 2016 The Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2), is establishing a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) designed to provide undergraduate students a chance to participate in industry-directed fundamental research opportunities in the fields of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis, processing, and characterization of biobased

  • Joseph Breen Memorial Fellowship Posted by: alemanem / February 1, 2018 February 1, 2018 This award, administered by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute®, will sponsor one or more young international green chemistry scholars to participate in a green chemistry technical meeting, conference, or training program. Awardees are reimbursed up to $2,000 in funds to accommodate cost of travel, accommodation and fees associated with the event. Those who are eligible to apply include undergraduate and

  • TECBio REU at University of Pittsburgh Posted by: nicolacs / December 11, 2019 December 11, 2019 Summer Research in Computational Biology at the University of Pittsburgh Students will receive classroom training in topics pertinent to the emerging field of computational biology, such as computational structural biology, cell and systems modeling, computational genomics, and bioimage informatics, in addition to a wide variety of theoretical and experimental research projects. Students will

  • December 5, 2012 German-language Advent service The Department of Languages and Literatures and Campus Ministry are sponsoring a German-language Advent service at 5 p.m. Dec. 5 in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. There will be a homily, readings and songs all in German with German text and English summaries provided. Special guest Pastor Björn Meinhardt, of Vashon Lutheran Church, will speak. All are welcome and encouraged to bring friends, colleagues, roommates and family members. There will