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  • PLU School of Nursing Accreditation Washington State Rules Governing Nurse Education Programs SoN Program Improvement Plans

  • The first training of the Sexual Assault Prevention Education Team (SAPET) takes place at the Women’s Center.

  • in Japan. Most scholars saw it as a way to westernize, but other scholars view temperance as an important factor of Japan. Which provides a huge gap of understanding of temperance in Japan. There are sources to support temperance as an important factor in Japan like which includes a lot of photographs of Japanese women who were involved in Japanese WCTU in way of teaching in Japanese culture, and how temperance was used to benefit the economy and women education in Japan. Dawson Cook“The Role of

  • students of pop music among my friends, and kept us up-to-date during the first years of Beatlemania. In June of 1967, following our graduation, Al and I joined Doug and two others in in Doug’s Pontiac GTO for a road trip south, listening the whole way to the just-released Sergeant Pepper album that was getting wall-to-wall play on the radio. We first stopped in San Francisco, trying, with our one-day growth of whiskers and slightly mussed-up short haircuts, to look as if we fit in at Haight-Ashbury

  • a mom who was a student, then a geographer. Weiss initially turned up her nose at Stanford, since it was too close to home. She opted for an elementary education degree from Lewis and Clark College in Portland. But the faces looking up at her from the desks had known another, less privileged life.  The recession and timber downturn in the 1970s and early 1980s had hit the families in Oregon City hard. “They were the kids from the projects, and I at first thought that was a gated community,” said

  • about Business Direct AdmissionEducation Direct AdmissionThe PLU School of Education offers direct admission to its program, one of the most respected in the region. Unlike many other universities, which require a separate application to their teacher education program, your application to PLU is also your application for direct admission to education.Learn more about Education Direct AdmissionComputer Science Direct AdmissionPLU’s Computer Science Department offers direct admission to its excellent

  • Former PLU President Eugene Wiegman will be remembered for his passion for service, advocacy and Tacoma Former PLU President Eugene Wiegman passed away on July 1 at the age of 90. Dr. Wiegman will be remembered for his remarkable career in education, government, advocacy and ministry—and his unceasing kindness and compassion. “Dr. Wiegman was a pure joy to talk with and… July 13, 2020 News, Announcements, Accolades

  • PLU’s Wang Center Symposium to explore “The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being” The 11th Biennial Wang Center symposium, “ The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being ,” will be held at Pacific Lutheran University on March 7-8. Hosted by PLU’s Wang Center for Global and Community-Engaged Education , the two-day conference will bring together academics,… February 26, 2024 News, Announcements, Accolades

  • the same. As an education major, Patterson decided she wanted to start a first-year education program to teach first-years about the meaning of recycling and sustainability. Sustainability is part of what makes PLU, PLU. Sara Patterson ’14 found a passion for educating about sustainability. “Education is the start of every single positive change you can make,” Patterson said. “There’s so many opportunities to reduce your impact.” Patterson’s experiences with sustainability will come full circle in

  • CDC. “The purpose of this Think Tank is to pull together 40ish professionals (including law enforcement, healthcare providers and university professionals) to develop a guidance document for best practices around sexual-violence prevention on college campuses,” Warwick said. “These recommendations, I believe, will be what guides state-level funding for Rape Prevention Education grants.” The letter to Warwick from James Mercy, the CDC’s acting director in the Division of Violence Prevention, read