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  • Childlike vs Childish: Mary’s Meme-ification Melodramatic, selfish, pouty Mary Musgrove is the only Persuasion (2022) character who says anything meaningful about Regency womanhood that is congruous with gender expectations today. Her lines in Carrie Cracknell’s adaptation are like Reductress captions, with just a little less of the same satirical punch.… December 4, 2022

  • Childlike vs Childish: Mary’s Meme-ification Melodramatic, selfish, pouty Mary Musgrove is the only Persuasion (2022) character who says anything meaningful about Regency womanhood that is congruous with gender expectations today. Her lines in Carrie Cracknell’s adaptation are like Reductress captions, with just a little less of the same satirical punch.… December 4, 2022

  • On Exhibit: Stalking Awareness Month 2022 Posted by: Holly Senn / December 21, 2021 December 21, 2021 January is Stalking Awareness Month. The PLU Center for Gender Equity is choosing to uplift stalking awareness in this library exhibit because it often falls to the wayside in discussions of domestic violence, healthy relationships, and romantic gestures. Across media and society throughout the decades, stalking behaviors have frequently been mischaracterized as romantic, not a big deal, sweet

  • two Read Next Mayer memoir COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Snyder named President of NADIIIAA August 16, 2024 PLU College of Liberal Studies welcomes Dean Stephanie Johnson July 24, 2024 Three students share how scholarships support them in their pursuit to make the world

  • . Dragila; International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Vol. 5, 2008: Accolades 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Award in Advising, PLU 2018 "Inspirational Woman" - PLU Center for Gender Equity Outstanding Student Paper at conference in Hydrology section for presentation: “Physics of two-phase flow on rough surfaces” at American Geophysical Union Conference 2006, San Francisco Certificate of Appreciation for JPL internship and presentation awarded by the Oregon Space Consortium (2005 Annual

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  • , Maria I. Dragila; International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Vol. 5, 2008: Accolades 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Award in Advising, PLU 2018 "Inspirational Woman" - PLU Center for Gender Equity Outstanding Student Paper at conference in Hydrology section for presentation: “Physics of two-phase flow on rough surfaces” at American Geophysical Union Conference 2006, San Francisco Certificate of Appreciation for JPL internship and presentation awarded by the Oregon Space Consortium (2005

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  • Meet Dr. Marnie Ritchie, Assistant Professor of Communication! Meet the Communications department’s most recent faculty member, Dr. Marnie Ritchie. Dr. Ritchie joined PLU in 2018 and has taught a variety of communications classes since then, from introductory communications to courses covering complex topics like gender and ethics. Dr. Ritchie’s other interests for her… January 10, 2020 Faculty

  • spiritual well-being. So here’s a stat: 90% of PLU students come from non-Lutheran faith backgrounds or have no religious affiliation at all, and we wholeheartedly welcome everyone with open arms. Fortunately, our Lutheran heritage (we are Pacific Lutheran University, after all) means that we’re not ignoring the spiritual component of well-being thanks to an active Campus Ministry, which is fully committed to “welcoming, celebrating, and engaging people of all gender identities, gender expressions

  • the Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies and first held by professor of History, Robert P. Ericksen ’67. His children Natalie and Joe and Joe’s wife, Gloria, continue to be active supporters of the Holocaust Studies program at PLU. His memoir, My Personal Brush with History, was published in 2009; it was translated to German and published in 2012.

  • the Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies and first held by professor of History, Robert P. Ericksen ’67. His children Natalie and Joe and Joe’s wife, Gloria, continue to be active supporters of the Holocaust Studies program at PLU. His memoir, My Personal Brush with History, was published in 2009; it was translated to German and published in 2012.