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  • Washington Sea Grant Science Communications Fellowships Posted by: nicolacs / December 17, 2020 December 17, 2020 Washington Sea Grant offers two Science Communications Fellowships: one for graduate students and one for undergraduate students. WSG fellows work for two academic quarters on a range of communications projects, from writing articles for the Sea Star newsletter to developing web content. Fellows are given the opportunity to develop their portfolios as writers and communicators

  • University staff member John Neary. Neary had participated in AM Public Lap swims in the PLU pool at least three days a week for about 30 years— most lifeguards knew him by name. Volk greeted Neary as he came in at approximately 8 a.m.; he did his normal routine of giving a little wave to the guards and opening a door to ward off stuffiness. “I didn’t wake up that day knowing something was going to happen,” Volk said. “Everything seemed normal—it was baffling.” But once in the pool, Neary stopped moving

  • , we believe this to be an urgent conversation prompted by our mission and PLU’s commitment to diversity and justice,” said Rachel Haxtema, program coordinator at the PLU Center for Community Engagement and Service. The program will be moderated by PLU Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Emily Davidson and the panel will include PLU Lutheran Studies Chair Samuel Torvend, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Sergia Hay, the Rev. Mark Knutson of Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon

  • April 25, 2014 Crowd gathers for Take Back the Night event at Red Square. The annual event is part of an international campaign to raise awareness against sexual assault. (John Froschauer, Photo). Take Back the Night event focuses PLU campus on the campaign against sexual assault By Barbara Clements Director of Content Development It comes down to a singular act of courage on an individual’s part, and taking responsibility for one’s own actions, to put a stop to sexual assault and violence

  • distinguish where one starts and the other ends.” (Photo by Theodore Charles) The next day, I really wanted to purchase some cloth for my mother back home. I hopped on a bus with a number of students returning to a tailor for dresses. Ugandan markets contain stores that are packed tightly together and it is often hard to distinguish where one starts and the other ends. While the students that had already bartered a good went to the second fabric stand on the corner, myself and several others ended up in

  • endeavored to move a several-hundred – pound whale skeleton from the chicken coop – located at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife storage facility in Lakewood – to PLU earlier this year. He propped up the third – obviously older jawbone- in the corner, and then turned his attention to the other two. With a heave, these were placed in the back of a pickup. On to the next group of bones. For two hours, Behrens, along with Audrey Thornburg, the Rieke Science Center’s biology lab manager, and

  • ) though.These shows delve into the UK’s care home system through the eyes of residents like McKenna-Bruce’s Tee Taylor. As Mary, the actress steps into her first name-making adult role by remodeling childishness into a persuasion tactic. Although Regency women are not supposed to express their desires, Mary’s childlike manner disarms and frustrates the other characters enough for them to give in to her wants. In contrast to the youngest Musgrove, Dakota Johnson’s Anne Elliot is set up to be a discerning

  • Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) Posted by: nicolacs / April 5, 2022 April 5, 2022 As an WASI intern You will be matched with a Washington state business to create sustainability solutions for industry practices. During this 10-week internship, you will conduct research that can help improve efficiency, save money, and prevent/reduce waste. Project topics might include energy or water audits, toxics reduction, green chemistry, and life cycle assessment. Read the Host

  • year.Institutions earn Military Friendly designations based on their efforts in creating sustainable and meaningful education paths for the Military Community. Over 1,800 schools were evaluated using public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. This latest designation adds to PLU’s long list of accolades for its commitment to military students and families. PLU has been a “Military Friendly School” since 2010 and was ranked sixth most “Military Friendly School” among private universities

  • Cancer Research Opportunity 2020 Posted by: nicolacs / September 26, 2019 September 26, 2019 Pediatric Oncology Education Program with St. Jude The Pediatric Oncology Education program at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is funded by the National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute. The POE program offers a unique opportunity for students preparing for careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health to gain biomedical and oncology