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  • gather supplies early ensures that everything needed for an event is available and ready, avoiding last-minute stress and potential shortages. Early preparation allows for better organization and the ability to address any unforeseen issues in advance. Networking to get additional help brings in more resources, ideas, and support, making the event more successful and manageable.4+ weeks out Printed Handouts – Copy CenterMust complete a Copy Center Request Form 2 days Raffles/Drawing/Games of

  • acknowledges that she has become the central figure for what many consider a key civil rights issue: allowing gay and lesbian men and women to openly serve in the military. “I just want to be with my unit,” she said of her battle. “At the same time, I know it is a much bigger issue [than just me].” Witt had a part in high-profile court cases before – in 2008, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy could remain in place. However, a test known as “The Witt

  • distinguished themselves as two who bring experience and insight to the study of peace and who already have given much thought to how being a Peace Scholar opens up new possibilities in their academic study and life and work after graduation,” said Claudia Berguson, Peace Scholar coordinator and associate professor of Norwegian and Scandinavian Area Studies. Claudia Berguson, Peace Scholar coordinator and associate professor of Norwegian and Scandinavian Area Studies, shows Peace Scholars Taylor Bozich

  • maintained their animistic beliefs. This wooden figure, called bateba, depicts a Lobi male standing upright. His upper arms go straight down then bend at the elbows at almost 90 degrees, with his hands resting at either side of his stomach. The figures head is disproportionally large compared to the rest of the figure. The head has pronounced lips that stick out past the rest of his head. His nose comes straight down from his forehead and goes down just past the nose. As is typical of such figures, the

  • . The mobile app also allows the user to search for flowers by name. 10:45am Break 11:00am Basic 3D Video Game Exploring the Concepts Involved in Game Engines Eric Sundberg (BSCS) The overall goal of this project was to learn about advanced concepts and algorithms that are used in modern game engines. To that end, it models them by means of a simple third person shooter game. In the game, the user moves the player around in a small world and tries to shoot as many enemies as possible before being

  • “We are uncatchable” | PLU Women’s Rowing “There is this moment, where everything around you disappears. Where your vision goes dark, and all you feel is the handle of the oar…” Today is National Girls & Women in Sports Day, so we invite you to put on a life jacket, grab a… February 1, 2023 Events, Performances, Athletics

  • democracy, social issues came up including alcoholism and unemployment. The Good Father Project reaches out to men and holds them up to the community as such,  through photos, essays and support groups, Nelson said. It’s a country of incredible vistas, rolling out toward a distant horizon, without a tree or mountain to interrupt the view. Yurts sport solar panels and satellite dishes. Camels, donkeys and goats share the streets with SUVs or Lexuses. “I think the mixture of modern and traditional

  • teach PLU students how to learn on the fly, one of many skills they bring home with them. Two of those Lutes, who credit Windhoek with their vocational paths, say the experience is also responsible for their marriage. Read More Lutes in Conflict Globally, Pacific Lutheran University alumni come face to face with the international conflicts that are defining the modern era. Some by accident, others by choice. Two Lutes share their firsthand experience from two different places in the Middle East

  • . This year, the students arrived early in January to begin an intensive, one-month course of study with Dr. Christian Gerzso (Department of English), which was followed by an eight-week course with Dr. Michael Schleeter (Department of Philosophy). Dr. Gerzso’s course, “Social Justice in Modernity: Liberty, Labor, and Culture,” focused on the ways in which people’s abilities to avail themselves of their liberties may be impacted by their class status, as well as the ways in which differences in class

  • The dates of our 2025 Choral Invitational are listed below. Check back in early Fall 2024 for more details and application information! PLU Invitational Choral Festival Monday, March 3, and Tuesday, March 4, 2025Mary Baker Russell Music Center | Brian Galante, Director Each year we invite some of the finest high school choirs in the Northwest to come together in the vibrant acoustics of Lagerquist Concert Hall. Our festival is intentionally informal and non-competitive. We seek to establish an