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Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) is a 9-week residential summer research experience for undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments with a focus on understanding issues related…
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) Posted by: nicolacs / January 10, 2022 January 10, 2022 Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) is a 9-week residential summer research experience for undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments with a focus on understanding issues related to inclusivity
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) is a 9-week residential summer research experience for undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments with a focus on understanding issues related…
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) Posted by: nicolacs / January 10, 2022 January 10, 2022 Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) is a 9-week residential summer research experience for undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments with a focus on understanding issues related to inclusivity
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments…
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) Posted by: nicolacs / February 1, 2023 February 1, 2023 Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments…
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) Posted by: nicolacs / February 1, 2023 February 1, 2023 Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments…
Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) Posted by: nicolacs / February 1, 2023 February 1, 2023 Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE) ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics. Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal
Beautiful mutants: a PLU biology class harvests for the future About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with…
PLU’s warm, sunny greenhouse, watching for genetic traits that help millet grow taller or produce more seeds. “The Danforth Center is crowdsourcing genetic research,” Laurie-Berry says. “We’re helping Danforth go through thousands of seeds, identifying which are worth studying. No one knows how each one will behave.” PLU students are joining high school and undergraduate students in analyzing lab-generated mutant seed populations in partnership with Danforth. Students care for the plants, recording
PLU graduate Aaron Bell ’04 learned early on that life is full of pathways — and that it was his responsibility to pursue his interests with passion to find his purpose. He grew up in Wisconsin where he was a standout student — an Eagle…
years of paid tuition. He double majored in psychology and individualized studies, while working with faculty on research projects and co-founding the ultimate frisbee team. PLU was just one stop on a journey that led to Bell making partner at a New York City financial firm. Even though his fields of academic study and his career choice might seem unrelated, to Bell, they are completely aligned. At PLU, Bell was able to conduct research all four years under Wendelyn Shore, professor of psychology
The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development.…
REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 Posted by: alemanem / January 4, 2024 January 4, 2024 The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development. Students will also
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Computer Science, and NSF ACE Data Science and Analytics Program (DSA) at North Carolina A&T State University are hosting a ten-week Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Data Science and Analytics for science, mathematics and…
Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Data Science and Analytics Posted by: nicolacs / January 23, 2023 January 23, 2023 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Computer Science, and NSF ACE Data Science and Analytics Program (DSA) at North Carolina A&T State University are hosting a ten-week Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Data Science and Analytics for science, mathematics and statistics, computer science, engineering
The polymer summer research experience (REU) program in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron is open to apply. This competitive REU program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Akron. Students will participate in an 9-week internship to…
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering Posted by: nicolacs / February 3, 2021 February 3, 2021 The polymer summer research experience (REU) program in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron is open to apply. This competitive REU program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Akron. Students will participate in an 9-week internship to investigate a fundamental question within
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