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  • September 1, 2011 President Loren J. Anderson gives his 20th and final state of the university address before faculty and staff Wednesday, Aug. 31 in Olson Auditorium. (Photo by John Froschauer) The State of PLU By Chris Albert During PLU’s Fall Conference, President Loren J. Anderson gave his 20th and final state of the university address on Aug. 31 in Olson Auditorium. Before PLU faculty and staff, he reflected on a year of achievement, the “Epic Moments” of the past year and the future

  • February 21, 2012 Food Symposium addresses the many ways food impacts the world. The ethics of food By Katie Scaff ’13 The PLU Philosophy Department’s Food Symposium Feb. 21 will address the ethics revolving around food. Keynote speaker, Paul B. Thompson – the W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics will speak at 7 p.m., Feb. 21 in the UC Regency Room. Thompson, who has published several works on the environmental and social significance of agriculture, will discuss three

  • July 11, 2013 reThinking how sustainability is taught at PLU using a novel approach at reDesign House. The art of sustainability By Chris Albert Across the street from the Martin J. Neeb Center sits an old house – not built to the exacting LEED environmental standards of Neeb, but being remodeled as an expression of the possibilities of sustainable practices at PLU. At first glance, it’s difficult to see the differences between this house and the many other ramblers that dot the neighborhood

  • October 17, 2013 Life of the Mind: Democracy & the American Dream – for DREAMers About the DREAM Act – and DREAMers Named after the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, a measure first proposed in 2001, DREAMers are undocumented immigrant high-school graduates who are willing and ready to pursue their educational and life goals, yet unable to do so. The DREAMers label is evocative of the familiar concept of The American Dream, and

  • The Adaptation of Learning Posted by: dupontak / May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021 By Levia Roskopf '21Creative Writing MajorIn March 2020 PLU shifted to online learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “How will classes work? Will there still be group projects? Will Capstone presentations still happen? How long will it be like this?”These are just some of the questions students and faculty alike were asking. The process of teaching changed in this time, professors have found themselves altering

  • The Evolution of Behavior Posted by: tpotts / November 12, 2021 November 12, 2021 Assistant Professor of Psychology Corey Cook has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to serve as a visiting researcher at the Social Cognition Center Cologne at the University of Cologne in Spring 2022. Cook’s project, titled “Investigating the influence of fundamental motives on social cognition,” will explore how evolved social goals, or fundamental motives, influence the use of stereotypes and appraisals of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (June 13, 2016)- Kiana Norman ’17 wears a lot of hats. She’s a singer, an actress and a writer. She’s a student, a sister and a daughter. A future world traveler, online journalist and theater critic, if all goes according to plan. But…

    Kiana The Mighty: PLU senior, transfer student shares story of personal struggle with mental illness Posted by: Kari Plog / June 10, 2016 Image: Kiana Norman ’17 (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) June 10, 2016 By Kari Plog '11PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (June 13, 2016)- Kiana Norman ’17 wears a lot of hats. She’s a singer, an actress and a writer. She’s a student, a sister and a daughter. A future world traveler, online journalist and theater critic, if all goes according to plan.But

  • April 6, 2014 New Series of Hebrew Idol Premieres—Your Vote Counts! By Shunying Wang ’15 The new PLU Hebrew Idol season is here, with another group of talented Lutes. And, just as with its inspiration, American Idol, it’s up to voters to determine the winner. Hebrew Idol is a microfilm competition series organized by Religion Professor Antonios Finitsis. Students in his introductory course on the Hebrew Bible—Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible—are required to apply their

  • The Choir of the West takes to the road Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 21, 2013 January 21, 2013 Performing in Washington and British Columbia The PLU Choir of the West will be on tour in Washington and British Columbia later this January and in early February. The repertoire for this year’s Choir of the West tour spans many stylistic eras and genres. Audience members will hear premiere performances of three works: Exultate, by PLU choral faculty member Brian Galante; Northern Lights, by

  • June 29, 2011 Patience and a good ear essential in studying elusive crossbills, which live, breed and sing in the canopy By Barbara Clements Having a conversation with Julie Smith is a stop and go affair. In mid-conversation, she’ll stop, and listen. And then pick up the thread without missing a beat. Smith, an assistant professor of biology, and biology major Aaron Grossberg ’12, are picking their way on a muddy trail to a beach near La Push, Wash