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  • the most important during her time at PLU. “A big selling point for my business is the fact that I am a traditional artist, I have a lot of experience developing my eye for composition and color theory,” Reed said. While at PLU, Reed took nearly all her classes in Ingram, but she says her most useful class was her figure drawing class. “Understanding anatomy and the way the human body looks in a certain light, that has helped me beyond any other class,” Reed said. “I never thought my drawing class

  • daily or ceremonially, and which have been made exceptionally well and decorated with unusual care.MasksFind out more In an African community, the appearance of a mask or masks heralds an important social event. FiguresFind out more Figures in African art can be representations of human beings or spirits. Personal ObjectsFind out more Personal objects can range from utilitarian items used to make everyday life easier, to objects that give prestige to the user and heighten an individual’s sense of

  • , reducing health insurance claims and absenteeism Does working from home count as a "Commute Smart" day?Yes, workdays on which a faculty or staff member works from home instead of coming to campus counts as a “Commute Smart” day. Work-from-home arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis and must be pre-approved by your supervisor and Human Resources. Do scheduled days off (vacation or holidays) count as "Commute Smart" days?No, scheduled days off do not count as Commute Smart days. However, you can

  • hybrid program that combines self-paced learning and Mentor-lead synchronous sessions. In addition, the program will include: Discussion space 177 Hours virtual instructor-led 250 Hours self-paced 119 hours hands-on labs 16 Hours human skills 1-on-1 mentoring 4 Projects 1 Final capstone project Career services Program Schedule Start Date:  October 6th, 2023 Fridays and Saturdays, 8:30 am – 9:30 am Pacific Time   (a complete program schedule will be issued the first day of class) Duration: 11 months

  • Interconnections Critically reflecting on our identity and the interconnections between ourselves, others, and our environments Systems Examining the relationships between human and ecological systems Advocacy Practicing skills for living and leading in community HOW DOES IT WORK? DJS Coalition Series offers opportunities for students to reflect and engage DJS as a framework and core value of living and leading in diverse communities.  Complete all of the following elements of the DJS Coalition Series to be

  • schedule and register below. More InformationWednesday, Oct. 4 David & Marilyn Knutson Lecture Join us to hear Jacquelyn Bussie present the topic of her book Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for Love with No Exceptions. 7pm – Lagerquist Hall, Mary Baker Russell Building More InformationFriday, Oct. 6 Alumni Panel on Vocation Panel discussion on vocations that promote human and ecological flourishing, led by four alumni from the Class of 1973. Open to everyone. 12:30-2pm – Regency Room

  • in design. Students with flexible work schedules can generally work part-time or even full-time. 4 Reasons to Choose PLU’s Master of Science in KinesiologyDownload PLU’s digital resource: The Science of Human Activity - A Guide to a Master’s Degree in KinesiologyFrequently Asked Questions about the Scholarship:Do I get the scholarship all at once?This scholarship award is distributed over the course of the academic program. It helps reduce the out-of-pocket cost of your tuition for the entire

  • critical gaps in kinesiology training and practice.You can also request more information or sign up for an online info session. We look forward to helping you achieve your career goals.Download PLU’s digital resource: The Science of Human Activity – A Guide to a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology.Download the MSK GuideDownload the free ebookDownload free ebook: A Guide to a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology. Read Previous What Can You Do with a Master’s in Kinesiology? (11 Kinesiology Careers to Choose From

  • the British pop group. Gjeilo describes Meridian as influenced by pop music, while The Sphere is more cinematic. It just goes to show that music for wind instruments didn’t die centuries ago, Powell said. “There’s a sense of awe that happens when you sight read a new piece,” he said. “It’s the first time human ears have heard it.” Read Previous Making the community safer Read Next The impact of eating COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad

  • facing difficult and uncertain times in our future and it’s all related to the environment,” said Pavel, whose traditional name is CHiXapkaid. “We need to connect to those animal people and we need to connect to those plant people.” Pavel lead a special presentation for Earth Day, entitled “Connecting to Everything on Earth: Its Land, Waters, and Peoples (Plant, Animal, and Human),” on Tuesday, April 17, in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. Rather than telling the hundred-some students, staff