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  • comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Snyder named President of NADIIIAA August 16, 2024 PLU College of Liberal Studies welcomes Dean Stephanie Johnson July 24, 2024 Three students share how scholarships support them in their pursuit to make the world better than how they found it June 24, 2024

  • our approximate route here. Hosted by: Angie Hambrick, AVP of DJSAmaZINE AdventureLeaves at 11am 5 spots Have you heard of ZINES? Zines, or self-published book(let)s, are a radical art form used by artists, community organizers, and activists, with roots dating back to the Dada art movement and Harlem Renaissance, Riot Grrrls feminist, and queer cultural movements. Join us for a trip to our local Sumner Pierce County Library branch, which is home to one of the largest regional Zine collections

  • restrooms in Rieke Science Center and the library’s new Center for Student Success are now gender-neutral and ADA-compliant. These changes follow pedestrian improvements that recently were completed by Pierce County in partnership with the university. The projects are the first to be completed from a list of many priorities identified as part of a campus-wide audit last year, Orr said. The $120,000 effort pinpointed all of the facilities out of compliance with ADA. “This audit allowed us to see fully

  • Feature 4830 PLU professor composes music for ‘timeless’ Chinese opera featuring student and faculty performers Mandi LeCompte December 16, 2016 Feature 483 Views Read more

  • Feature 4830 PLU professor composes music for ‘timeless’ Chinese opera featuring student and faculty performers Mandi LeCompte December 16, 2016 Feature 483 Views Read more

  • . “As long as I can remember, I knew I wanted to do something to protect animals and work with them,” Whalen said. “I liked animal law, not only because of the great protection that the law and lawyers can give animals, but I like that sort of work. I like reading, I like writing, and I like problem-solving and dealing with places where animals or the environment face troubles, and finding protections for them.” Whalen is an environmental studies major and political science minor with plans to add

  • suffering between males and females. It is merely an acknowledgement that women’s experiences, because of their gender and socialization, were simply different from men’s. In the words of historian Myrna Goldenberg, both sexes experienced “different horrors, but the same hell.” Our conference scholars will present their latest research on women in the Holocaust — not as just victims, but as survivors, rescuers, collaborators and even as perpetrators. John Stuart Mill once wrote that the way a society

  • community. PRISM 2021Un Remedio Read Previous Educator and Cheerleader: Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen Read Next Un Remedio: Confronting the Challenges of Distance Learning LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022

  • Environmental Ethics at Holden Village Posted by: hoskinsk / May 6, 2020 May 6, 2020 By Lee Sullivan '21Business MajorHuman impact on the natural world is impossible to ignore. From severe flooding in Africa, melting of the arctic poles, and fires across Australia, recent years have seen a drastic increase in anomalistic climate events. In response to these problems, Pacific Lutheran University values “thinking green”. Our university takes pride in being environmentally conscious stewards of

  • development of professionalism and competence in inquiry and reflective practice with opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge and skills related to the complexities of teaching. (2-4) EDUC 564 : The Arts, Mind, and Body An exploration of methods to facilitate creativity and meaning-making in the classroom through visual, musical, non-verbal/physical movement, and dramatic arts. (2) EDUC 565 : Elementary Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies Practice designing, implementing, and assessing lessons and