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  • October 3, 2013 Auberry Fortuner ’13 and Assistant Professor Bret Underwood did research into understanding what gave rise to the expansion of the universe. (Photo by John Froschauer) Modeling the Early Universe By Katie Scaff ’13 None of us was around for the Big Bang, but one enterprising student is determined to see what the universe looked like in its beginning, more than 13 billion years ago. Auberry Fortuner ’13 spent his summer simulating events that happened about one-billionth of a

  • January 18, 2008 PLU archaeologist uncovers Egypt’s secrets In high school, Lisa Vlieg ’07 told her friends that one day they’d see her on the Discovery Channel. While her dream has yet to come true, the recent graduate may be one step closer after spending five weeks this fall in Egypt’s famed Valley of the Kings. Vlieg accompanied Faculty Fellow Don Ryan ’79 and his team to the ancient burial ground for the seventh field season of the Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project

  • November 12, 2012 A group of nine Computer Science and Computer Engineering students competed at an international computer programming competition Nov. 3. Team sets sights on next year By Jesse Major ’14 A group of nine Computer Science and Computer Engineering students competed at an international computer programming competition Nov. 3. First time competitor, Ben Landes ’14, described the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest as “sports for nerds

  • the world again,” Anderson says. “Having natural light is so much better. Sometimes I’ll take a break and just look out the windows at the view of the trees.” Now, rectangles of sunlight illuminate sewing machines, mannequins and labeled racks of tailored costumes as students pull needles through, or stand still while Anderson (right) tracks yellow measuring tape around an arm or a waist. The costume shop also has noted a rise in efficiency in the new space, in part due to Anderson’s involvement

  • October 27, 2008 Donors share value of Holocaust Education Last week, stories of survival and the lessons of history were on the forefront of many people’s minds. On Oct. 21, more than 150 people gathered for the Second Annual Powell and Heller Family Conference in support of Holocaust Education at Pacific Lutheran University.“It is always difficult to know where to begin,” Kurt Mayer told the assembled crowd in the Scandinavian Center. He was talking about the story of his life as a survivor

  • support. The university’s Office of Financial Aid has expertise in navigating financial packages that keep student’s college careers a reality. Getting the most bang for their buck really boils down to working with financial aid counselors, working ahead and providing as much financial information as possible. Filling out the FAFSA is a must and the sooner the better, even if it is just initial information, Soltis said. “The more they can give us, the better we can work with the information,” Soltis

  • August 16, 2010 New director has an ‘open door policy’ By Kari Plog ’11 Campus Safety has a new front man. Pacific Lutheran University welcomes Sgt. Greg Premo as the new director and he plans to continue with the success former director Tony Berger left behind. “I got the impression that Campus Safety has grown a lot in the past few years,” Premo said. Sgt. Greg Premo has 16 years of law enforcement experience and comes to PLU from the University Place Police Department. “My initial thought is

  • March 1, 2011 USO features student soloists in March concert This month’s University Symphony Orchestra concert on March 22 will feature four student soloists – three sopranos and a composer – that will showcase talent ranging from operatic to the singing of French chants from the 14th century. “It’s rare to have all the soloists be singers,” said Jeffrey Bell-Hanson, the USO’s conductor and PLU’s director of orchestral activities. “It just so happened that’s the way it worked out this year

  • PLU debuts new ‘CheckFive’ initiative, designed to strengthen communities virtually Posted by: Marcom Web Team / April 9, 2020 April 9, 2020 By Thomas Kyle-MilwardMarketing & CommunicationTACOMA, WASH. (April 9, 2020) — Physical distancing and shelter-in-place directives have made traditional ways of keeping in community challenging at best during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why PLU is rolling out “CheckFive,” a social media initiative designed to rebuild networks and spark connections among

  • to students directly after their currently scheduled degree completion date. Graduate students will be offered opportunities for tuition-free continuing education courses.The university is planning on offering in-person, online, and blended courses and on-campus housing this fall. As part of extensive safety precautions being taken by the university, hundreds of events and programs including some athletic competitions, music and theatre productions, intramural sports, academic conferences, and