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  • sort of fell to the wayside.” As a high school student, Akerman set about pursuing a career in another field she was passionate about: teaching. She enrolled here at Pacific Lutheran University and earned a bachelor’s in English literature and a master’s in education. That was when she discovered a way to combine her passions. “While I was working on my master’s here I started volunteering at the zoo, and that opened up a whole new world,” Akerman says. “I realized that they have education

  • April 6, 2014 New Series of Hebrew Idol Premieres—Your Vote Counts! By Shunying Wang ’15 The new PLU Hebrew Idol season is here, with another group of talented Lutes. And, just as with its inspiration, American Idol, it’s up to voters to determine the winner. Hebrew Idol is a microfilm competition series organized by Religion Professor Antonios Finitsis. Students in his introductory course on the Hebrew Bible—Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible—are required to apply their

  • Publishing ResourcesOne way that PLU’s Publishing & Printing Arts (PPA) program helps students translate their love of books into a life of books is by building enduring connections with the professional publishing world. For more information about different aspects of the world of publishing, check out these helpful links.General InformationLiterary Marketplace Publishers Weekly Journal of Electronic Publishing Association of American Publishers Shelf Awareness BooksquareWriting and Editing

  • , including PLU faculty and staff, alumni, and students. Since its founding the choir has grown to a full membership of 60-70 singers, with a touring ensemble of approximately 30-40 singers. The choir meets one evening each week for rehearsal during the academic year and members are selected by annual audition. The choir performs three or four concerts each season. Programs are comprised of shorter choral works or major choral literature with orchestra or chamber instrumentation. The choir often

  • A Semester in LondonJunior Rachel Diebel first remembers hearing about the AHA London program during a Study Away 101. Intrigued, she attended an information session about the AHA program and knew it was the perfect fit for her. As an English Literature major minoring in both Printing and Publishing Arts and Communications, the Humanities-focused academics of AHA London were exactly what she was looking for in a study away experience, “There were so many things that made it the perfect program

  • and process. You can reach Professor Tsuneoka at Research and Teaching Interests Prof. Halvorson: Where did you attend college? Can you share a few research or professional interests with us? Prof. Tsuneoka: I graduated from Waseda University in Tokyo with an English Literature degree, and then I came to Seattle to study graphic design. I graduated from Cornish College of the Arts (Seattle) in 2002. Since then, I have done a lot of design work for corporate advertising clients

  • Changing Lives One Book at a Time with Professor Ned Schaumberg Ned Schaumberg is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) who teaches postcolonial and global literature, and researches the role of water in literary and environmental contexts. He could also save your life. According to his parents, Schaumberg’s journey to professorship began at… May 7, 2020

  • The BBA Curriculum and ConcentrationsCompleting the Bachelor of Business Administration within four years is a high priority for students and faculty of the School of Business. Students can meet this goal through planning and regular communication with their academic adviser. The following supplemental and Business core courses are required for all Business majors, regardless of concentration, and also fulfill the designated General Education requirements.Required Supplemental Courses - 20

  • Questions and answers about CIWAWhat is the future of CIWA in Washington State?The economy of Washington State is deeply connected to business on the Pacific Rim, and in particular China. Promoting those connections through mutual learning by way of cultural and educational exchanges has been and will continue to be a major focus for CIWA. The knowledge, real-life experiences, and close personal relationships gained by people in Washington through CIWA-supported activities make it an

  • Tuition, Fees, and Financial AidUndergraduates please visit the university financial aid site.Graduate Programs PLU provides many opportunities to candidates to help them pay for their education.  To apply for federal financial aid please fill out the FAFSA application.  PLU also offers opportunities for more aid through scholarships, fellowships and a 10% discount to all alumni!   Click here for information on the PLU Graduate Scholarships.  Information about fellowships applications will be