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  • – who in the play ages from 11 to 18 – and her Uncle Peck. The script casts a translucent vale over the archetype of the abuser, and grants a pained humanity to those who do the damaging. It is a daunting, sensitive piece, and PLU’s five-person ensemble approached it with marked poise and reflection. Ali Schultz ’14 played Lil’ Bit, and Jack Sorenson ’13 played her abuser, lover, best friend, and pseudo-father, Uncle Peck. Following performance Friday, March 9, the cast and director –Assistant

  • who value reflection, curiosity, and wonder.  “We work together to learn more about what we can do for the world and what the world needs from us,” says Etzell. After a year in the fellowship program, Etzell became the Vocation Program Intern for the Wild Hope Center. On Monday nights, Etzell can be found in AUC 201, serving as a resource for his peers.  “I hang out there with questions, videos and poems, and when folks show up we spend time working through those questions together,” he says. It

  • the great outdoors inclusive and welcoming for all skill levels, interests, and abilities!Great for Students Who... Are interested in learning more about outdoor recreation and the natural world (no prior experience or skills needed!) Have different skill levels, abilities, body sizes, and knowledge and want to experience the outdoor environment Want to be involved in discussions, programs, leadership development and reflection as a way of fostering deeper connections to the outdoors and to self

  • Business Administration MinorMinor Overall Requirements – 20 semester hours minimum All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or higher, a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 for all courses in the minor is required, and at least twelve semester hours must be completed in residence. A minimum of 20 semester hours in business courses including: BUSA 201: Value Creation in the Global Environment (4) (also as FYEP 102 for first-year students) BUSA 202: Financial Accounting (4) BUSA 305

  • solutions for our costume collection, as well as rolling up their sleeves to lift and move things around!” explained SCC director Elisabeth Ward. Ward says that the SCC’s collection, which includes artifacts from all five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), is a testament to the connection and trust the Puget Sound’s Scandinavian American community shares with PLU. “The collection in the Scandinavian Cultural Center is a reflection of this (Scandinavian) community. They

  • indirectly caused the death of any of the animals I saw last month? “After this class I have had to reevaluate my entire relationship with nature and animals,” he continued. “I’ve found that living sustainably takes a lot more thought and care than I had previously believed.” The Wang Center hosted a Returner Reflection Series throughout spring semester, where students could reflect on and share their experiences. Learn about future J-Term, semester and yearlong opportunities at the annual Study Away

  • . He believes in the importance of global education for college students. “It is important to experience a different culture, a different way of life,” said Finitsis. “It gives you a different understanding of the world and supports the PLU Mission. We visit places that many people dream of visiting but can’t.” Finitsis led his class to Greece with the support of the PLU Wang Center. The Wang Center collaborates with academic departments to support PLU’s commitment to global education. The center

  • , cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and half of all men and one third of all women in the country will develop the disease during their lifetimes. “It’s a coping skill to manage such a huge disease,” Comstock said of the relay event. “There is no way I as one person can make it go away, but this is a way to cope and do my part.”   Read Previous Student perspective: the presidential campaign Read Next New York artist’s exhibit inspires reflection COMMENTS*Note: All

  • professional athletes to those recovering from surgery, the need for extra support in mobility is something that almost every person faces at one time or another. Kinesiologists meet people wherever they are in their health and wellness journey and help them take steps towards a better quality of life.A master’s degree in kinesiology can help you advance in your career. Career change opportunities include: Exercise Physiologist Mental Performance Consultant Physical Education Instructor Salaries for this

  • Krise Endowed Internship Fund Announcing the Patricia L. and Thomas W. Krise Endowed Internship Fund. The benefits of a summer internship—even an unpaid one—are unlimited and undeniable: Students can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations, network with people in the industry and gain valuable work… April 17, 2014 Higher EducationLeadershipNews