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  • VOCAL Choir of the WestThe Choir of the West is the premier choral ensemble at Pacific Lutheran University.  It is comprised of undergraduate majors from a wide variety of academic disciplines, achieving a reputation of excellence for its performances at professional music conferences, national and international tours, and numerous recordings.  The choir regularly joins the University Symphony Orchestra in performances of major choral/orchestral works, and participates in the annual Christmas

  • PLU nominates physician Donald Mott for Nobel Peace Prize Posted by: Marcom Web Team / February 26, 2020 February 26, 2020 TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 26, 2020) — Pacific Lutheran University President Allan Belton recently submitted a Nobel Peace Prize nomination of Dr. Donald Mott to the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Dr. Mott is the founder and leader of the China Network Partners (CPN), a group of physicians and physical therapists dedicated to training Chinese pediatric therapists in more advanced

  • Frequently Asked QuestionsI never had to study religion in high school. Why am I required to study it here?In a world where most social and political conflicts contain a religious dimension, ignorance is not bliss. Think about it: all these issues are charged with religious language – abortion, creationism vs. evolution, fundamentalism, gay rights, environmental defense and degradation, health care, Holocaust studies, human rights, international terrorism, the Iraq conflict, land use in the

  • programs, campaigns and celebrations including identity retreats, cultural celebrations, and DJS workshops and dialogues. Additionally, serve as the student coordinator for a specific Center for DJS program/project. 2023-2024 projects include: Active Bystander & Consent (ABC) –coordinate consent and bystander intervention campaigns for education and dialogue in classrooms, residence halls, and other campus spaces. Sista* Circle – Coordinate biweekly gatherings for womxn, nonbinary, femme, and trans

  • they advanced the notion that every person should have voice in the selection of their religious leaders – unheard of in the hierarchical society of the Middle Ages – they tended to overlook the ambition and corruption evident in the ruling princes who supported their reforms. This is to say that while Lutheran education claims the critical questioning of social values and received knowledge as a central practice and cherished legacy, a measure of intellectual arrogance and understandable blindness

  • The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture Posted by: halvormj / March 6, 2018 March 6, 2018 TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science, Technology, and Society Lecture. Dr. Pamela Ronald This year’s distinguished speaker is Dr. Pamela Ronald, a Distinguished Professor in the

  • as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) ECON 489 : Special Topics in Economics To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) ECON 491 : Independent Study To provide individual undergraduate students with advanced study not available in the regular

  • at PLU about her views on how scientific fields need to include more women in leadership positions. Rolison currently heads the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Advanced Electrochemical Materials section and serves as an Adjunct Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Utah. Forty percent of chemistry Ph.D.’s go to women, but only about 10 percent apply for high-level positions, according to Rolison. The few women who advance in their academic and research institutions are often

  • Holocaust, analyzing why some Christians opposed the regime but also why a large number found Hitler's ideology and policies attractive. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or consent of instructor.(4) HIST 366 : Life in Nazi Germany - ES How was Hitler possible in the modern and advanced nation of Germany? This course seeks to explore that question by examining some of the conditions that were present in German life which helped prepare the soil in which Hitler and the Nazi Party came to flourish. We then

  • experience helps recent graduates cultivate highly sought-after skills that will launch their careers in today’s global economy.” College graduates with Peace Corps volunteer experience return home with a competitive edge for 21st-century jobs and advanced educational opportunities: They have cross-cultural, leadership, language and community development skills along with a global perspective. In addition, they give back to their communities in the United States and enrich the lives of those around them