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Encountering Adam Smith in ScotlandIn July of 2015, I traveled to Scotland under the auspices of a Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award. The primary purpose of my trip was to present my current research at a joint meeting of the International Adam Smith Society and the Rousseau Association, which was held at the University of Glasgow. In general, my research centers on classical political economy—particularly that of the 18th Century Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith—and
International Student Citizenship - 2018 (pdf) view download
international student, … Continue reading The Environmental Politics of Study Away: a US citizen’s role in the lives of indigenous Mexicans
-T degree through Running Start, that student will be granted junior class standing and will be considered a first-year student with advanced standing*. For further information, please visit our webpage for Running Start students.Cambridge International Examinations A maximum of 30 semester hours may be granted for completion of Cambridge International Examinations. Students must earn a passing grade (C or better) to earn credit. No credit will be awarded for AS-Level or O-Level exams. Other
-T degree through Running Start, that student will be granted junior class standing and will be considered a first-year student with advanced standing*. For further information, please visit our webpage for Running Start students.Cambridge International Examinations A maximum of 30 semester hours may be granted for completion of Cambridge International Examinations. Students must earn a passing grade (C or better) to earn credit. No credit will be awarded for AS-Level or O-Level exams. Other
on how we want to orient ourselves as a couple. What is your biggest takeaway so far? I gain a more nuanced understanding of what vocation is, where it comes from, and why it matters so much. Vocational discernment is a lifelong process which has taken off pressure from myself to hurry up and figure out what I’m going to do with my life. Angenette P. Call (Program Manager for Partnerships & Professional Development in the School of Education) What gets you up in the morning? Knowing there is a
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program as it relates to teaching and professional development Description of how participation in this project will benefit your collaborative and collegial practices for improving instructional practices and student learning Approval from a school or district administrator Priority consideration will be given to: Applications that articulate an alignment with PLU’s vision for global education of “educating to achieve a just, healthy, sustainable and peaceful world” Applications from alumni of PLU J
traditions that have helped to shape them. Recognize how others have arrived at values different from one’s own, and consider their view charitably and with an appreciation for the context in which they emerged. Develop a habit of caring for oneself, for others, and for the environment. Approach moral, spiritual, and intellectual development as a life-long process of making informed choices in one’s commitments. Approach one’s commitments with a high level of personal responsibility and professional
Knodell ’11 Mark Albanese PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer HOMEPAGE ANIMATION Hans Fleurimont CONTRIBUTORS Andriana Fletcher ’10 Allison Rise ’12 Sonja Ruud ’12 Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 COURTESY PHOTOS Wang Center Charles Bergman Theodore Charles ’12 Dom Calata ’08 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara Asuka Goya Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Laura Rose ’03, ’11 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young
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