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  • April 12, 2010 Upright dignity:Making a difference, one wheelchair at a time By Chris Albert In the distance as the dust sifts through the air, a middle-aged Iraqi man walks to a makeshift United States military medical station. Draped in his arms is a young child, his son. It is apparent the boy does not have the use of his legs. His father has brought his son to get a wheelchair. As the father and his boy get closer to the station, soldiers tell him, “You don’t have to carry him the whole way

  • the connections Thompsen ’94, ’97 made as a Norwegian while attending Pacific Lutheran University. Thompsen has more than 16 years of experience working internationally within sales, marketing and product management. After graduating from PLU, he managed Natilus Publishing in Seattle and returned to Norway in 2000. Currently, he is the head of Bid Management and Sales Support for Intelecom Group out of Norway. Thompsen and his wife have three children. To some extent, it was by chance that he came

  • February 5, 2013 Economics of golf By Jesse Major ’15 An unconventional approach to economics that allows students to shoot lasers and travel PGA tour destinations was taught this J-Term by Mark Reiman, associate professor of economics. This class, The Economics of Golf, was inspired by a book called Golfonomics – not Reiman’s golfing skills In The Economics of Golf, students met with owners of golf courses in Tacoma, Monterey, Palm Desert and Phoenix, as well as officials of the PGA tour to

  • PLU’s New Lancelute Mascot Premieres, Reignites Spirit Posted by: Sandy Dunham / February 18, 2015 Image: PLU’s new mascot rallies fans at a home basketball game on Feb. 6. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) February 18, 2015 By Matthew Salzano ’18 PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2015)—The Pacific Lutheran University Athletics Department introduced a brand-new member during halftime of the men’s basketball game on Feb. 6. His name is Lancelute, and he is the knight that leads

  • – significantly less than that daunting $40k from the survey. Let’s Break It Down: Sticker Price vs. What You Actually Pay Merit Scholarships: If you’re doing well in high school, many colleges – especially private schools will award you a merit scholarship based on GPA, grade trend and even course selection. “doing well” doesn’t mean perfect! At PLU, we award merit scholarships starting at around a 3.0 GPA, and so do many private and public schools! Need-Based Aid: If your family has financial need

  • and Leadership at PLU, started his teaching career at the Frances Haddon Morgan Center, a state institution in Bremerton, which closed earlier this year. At the time, it served autistic children ages 3 to 13. “That was my first introduction really to teaching and being responsible for the instructional management of kids with those types of disabilities,” Williams said. . Thirty-seven years later, Williams is still doing this work. “I’m still working with

  • November 12, 2014 PLU Event Shows Solidarity For 43 Missing Student Teachers ‘PLU for Ayotzinapa: The High Stakes of Educating in Violent Times’ Scheduled for Nov. 14 By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Nov. 13, 2014)—Pacific Lutheran University faculty members and students have organized a binational evening of solidarity for the 43 student teachers from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, who disappeared in late September, and for their families. Called “PLU for

  • family and eat a nice home-cooked meal.But PLU’s service-based nursing club, Delta Iota Chi, has a way for students to help those in the community who may not have a home or a meal waiting for them on Thanksgiving Day.   During the holidays, some families in the Parkland community worry about putting food on the table. Each year, Delta Iota Chi works to organize the Thanksgiving Basket Drive for community members. They collect Thanksgiving baskets, which include items such as turkeys, potatoes

  • October 27, 2008 Holocaust survivor recalls the child victims While presenting a story of survival Robert Herschkowitz paused for the audience to gaze at a photo of several women and their children walking unknowingly to their death. “People will remember the scene of a photograph,” he said. “The visual impact I think is most important.”Their names are unknown, said the 70-year-old Holocaust survivor, but the when, May 1944, and the where, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, are forever engraved into

  • March 9, 2009 NMR is no longer under wraps It looks like a rather fat, squat water heater. A water heater with a $743,000 price tag. But to the professors of PLU’s chemistry department, the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is a dream come true. It’s easy to see they still can’t quite believe, after 2 years of waiting and receiving a National Science Foundation grant they didn’t expect to get, that it’s finally here. After being hidden behind tarps and plywood, it’s now in full display on