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  • Relations IPE Neoliberalism Urban Studies Identity Ethnic Conflict Citizenship West Africa South Asia Biography Dr. Shah joined the Department of Political Science at PLU in 2012, and Global Studies and Anthropology in 2014. She teaches classes focused on Global Development, International Relations, Africa, South Asia, and Urban Studies. Dr. Shah conducts research in Nigeria and India, where she examines the effects of neoliberal urban development policies on livelihoods, identities, and state-society

  • . View online Craft the First Five Minutes of Class with CareMany students spend the first day of class braced against various types of disrespect—professors who mispronounce their names, call them by the wrong name entirely, misgender them, and so on. Students who are worried about not being treated with respect experience difficulty concentrating on what faculty are saying. On the Faculty Resources link on PLU’s Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Resources page, you will find a few reliable

  • Favorites: Spending time with family and keeping up with TV shows like the Big Bang Theory with her older brother What PLU Has Been for MeMy experience at PLU has been wonderfully unbelievable, to say the least. I came to PLU intending to pursue a degree in psychology, but during my first semester, I took a cultural anthropology course and my vocational path immediately changed. In my cultural anthropology course, we read an article about the gender pay gap in America. The article attributed the pay gap

  • . Beyond these interpersonal relationships, which I cherish to this day and intend to maintain for years to come, I also gained knowledge and skills through my coursework that have proven useful to me in later academic endeavors. While I was in Norway, I conducted an independent field research project on Norwegian approaches to development aid, which involved personal interviews with several prominent scholars and practitioners. Now, in my graduate studies in the anthropology and sociology of

  • emphases will also meet this requirement. (on Gen Ed website 04.26.23) Students will compare and contrast diverse global and transnational perspectives. Students will analyze how culture shapes experience Students will examine the historical and structural basis for inequalities related to race, ethnicity, language, religion, class, ability, nationality, sexuality, or gender. Culminating Experience (SR)Culminating Experience (1-4): Students will participate in a culminating experience that provides an

  • majority of the mass of these masks is made up of raffia, which extends from the back of the head sides of the face all around down to the chin. Worn to bolster the young initiates through the hard trial of circumcision, the overall imagery is intended to instill confidence and a sense of aggressive manhood. With all this emphasis on manhood, the nature of gender relations in Yaka society is worthy of further study is Bacquart reports the masks are made while the young men are participating in a ritual

  • The life and work of Bjug Harstad (1848-1933)The Rev. Bjug Harstad, Pacific Lutheran University’s founder, was born on a small farm in Valle, Norway, on Dec. 17, 1848. The youngest son of 10 brothers and sisters, Bjug began working to support the family at a young age by herding cattle for neighboring farms — the beginnings of a lifelong work ethic. In the winter of 1860, Bjug’s parents made the decision to move the family to America. They set sail for Quebec by schooner, then made their way

  • Marilyn Knutson: Supporting Education and Providing Hospitality at PLU Growing up, Marilyn (Force) Knutson remembers that if you earned a dollar, a dime always went into the offering plate. It was just how her father, a Lutheran minister, raised the kids. That deep sense of giving back is still a guiding force in Marilyn’s life, as she was preparing for the seventh-annual David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture, which has taken place on the Pacific Lutheran University campus since 2006. The

  • Chemistry Endowments and Scholarships The following are Endowments and Scholarships housed in or related to the Chemistry Department. Please click on the title of a fund for additional information. If you wish to contribute to one of these endowed funds, please visit PLU’s gift page and select College of Natural Sciences Designations (click for more) and then choose Chemistry Department.The Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in ChemistryThe Laurence D

  • Why the Department of Art and Design?The art and design programs at PLU stress individualized development in the use of mind and hand. An art student at PLU is able to chart their own path through a variety of artistic styles and media. Students use methods ranging from a ten thousand-year-old technique to make pots to cutting-edge and industry standard technology to generate high-tech computer images. Art history and theory courses engage students in critical analysis of major artistic