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  • Department of Physics Learning Outcomes Learners will be able to demonstrate and apply their understanding of fundamental concepts by successfully solving a variety of physics problems in different contexts. A detailed list of fundamental physics concepts is provided within the learning outcomes of each course, included in the course syllabus. Learners will be able to create, analyze, and deliver effective written and oral scientific communication. Learners will be able to demonstrate effective

  • School of Business Student Clubs The School of Business is home of some of the most active and dynamic student clubs, which are open to all students interested in business. Honor societies are available for those who are majoring in the School of Business. PLU School of Business Ambassadors PLU School of Business Ambassadors (SoBA) is a highly selective group of undergraduate students who work with the Dean and Undergraduate Director to promote the school’s programs, activities, and services

  • Ph.D. positions for research Across the disciplinary lines of soft matter physics, granular physics, and earth's near-surface processes Posted by: nicolacs / October 11, 2021 October 11, 2021 Fully-funded Ph.D. positions are available in the Ferdowsi Research Laboratory within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Houston. Positions are available with start date as early as Spring 2022 and Fall 2022. Some of our active research areas are experimental and

  • Responsibilities of the Program Committee Develops academic and cultural experiences for LIFE participants Review submitted course proposals Establishes class/field trip costs Establishes class fees and instructor honoraria, under the guidance of Council Researches and finds meeting places for classes Suggest other courses/field trips and approve those to be offered Reviews enrollment to determine advisability of course cancellation or repetitions Review class/field trip evaluations Recommends

  • Mission of Alumni & Student Connections “Alumni & Student Connections supports each Lute in creating their own career vision and then connects them to opportunities, resources and people that will help make their visions a reality. We invest in current and former student success by facilitating close connections and intentional pairing within the PLU community around topics of vocational exploration, career development and employment outcomes.” Location Alumni & Student Connections is located

  • Chinese Studies CHSP 250: Urban Culture in China CHSP 350: Chinese Culture and Society CHIN 301: Composition and Conversation CHIN 302: Composition and Conversation CHIN 371: Chinese Literature in Translation HIST 232: Tibet in Fact and Fiction HIST 338: Modern China HIST 496: Seminar: The Third World (a/y on China)** MUSI 105: The Arts of China POLS 381: Comparative Legal Systems Minor 20 semester hours (eight required, 12 elective) Required Courses: Eight semester hours in Chinese language CHIN 101

  • always a little shy. Coming into PLU she was looking for any way to make friends and connect with her peers. One day she saw a flier for the Students of Color Retreat and the rest was history. The retreat ignited a passion in her to meet and advocate for students of all different cultures, beliefs, and ages. It gave her the opportunity to express herself among people with similar experiences, but vastly diverse backgrounds. The retreat got the ball rolling in her Diversity Center journey. “The

  • they are indifferent,” he said. “We still have this thought that we are the Promised Land, the land of the greatest. But when I’ve met people around the world and prodded them, asked them if they could be anywhere tomorrow, where would they want to go? “The answer is usually not the U.S. It’s France, New Zealand or Thailand,” he said. But, like Zakaria, Brock said there are some leadership traits that graduates can offer the world, if they are willing to appreciate and encourage other cultures

  • choir, handbells, and the bucket band, the organizers created a program that embraces diversity by highlighting music from different cultures. Oliver-Chandler hopes that their presence will inspire other BIPOC students to pursue music. “As a Black individual, it’s really important to me to educate other students of color,” Oliver-Chandler, from Lakewood, Washington, says. “The music field is predominantly white, so I think it’s important for children to see someone like them who is making it in that

  • Major Minute: Tom Smith on Theatre & Dance Posted by: vcraker / August 6, 2021 August 6, 2021 PLU’s Theatre & Dance Department prides itself on our dynamic and challenging curriculum supported by a season of up to 10 productions each year. Our program trains students in all aspects of theatre and dance: from musical theatre, acting, technical theatre and design, to foundational dance styles, stage management, choreography, producing, directing, and playwriting. Read Previous Recent Music and