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  • music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at the prospect. She had taught in classrooms for less than a year. Yet she remembers thinking, “You know what? If they want this, what’s stopping me from achieving my goal as a music educator, which is access for all? I will take on this opportunity with as much grace as I can.”  As an avid traveler—she has visited ten countries in 24 years—Delos Reyes chose PLU because of study away opportunities like the

  • formed Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation focused initially on trying to attack poverty by first solving a deceptively simple-sounding problem: How to get basic vaccines to the world’s poorest children. Bill Gates Sr., as the point man for his son and daughter-in-law’s new philanthropy, had by then also learned of a small, Seattle-based organization called PATH, or the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health. PATH, like most other such international public health organizations, had been working

  • town’s annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 4, 2011. Two weeks earlier the deadliest tornado in our nation’s history ripped through Joplin, Mo., killing 160 people and causing almost $3 billion in damage. Today our goal was to interview any survivors and relief workers we could find. We figured the best place to find people would be in the center of the devastation. I was traveling the country researching for a documentary on compassion fatigue, an issue that particularly affects caregivers

  • his way through a crowd, 200 strong, at the June 1 gathering to welcome him on his first day, Krise repeats that refrain again and again to those in the greeting line in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. His shiny, gold PLU-issue name badge reinforces his informal style, stating simply: “Tom Krise, President.” A few feet away, his wife, Patricia Krise, an executive at Ford Motor Company, utters a similar refrain. Her name badge: “Patty Krise.” Both approach you similarly – firm handshake, friendly

  • limited in what you can participate in,” he said. “Because PLU is the way it is, we all got to do a little of everything. I got to understand the mechanics of theater,” he said. While at PLU, Hobson helped plan the Night of Musical Theater, and he participated in the opera program. He was also in the Choir of the West, and got the opportunity to do the technical side of theater, working on lighting and tech design for several shows. Once he made the major switch, his career progressed at a fast clip

  • collegiate softball, so she uses intramurals to get that team aspect she craves,” Allison said. “Intramurals work for her because she can’t commit the time to a team sport.” All this to say, the competition level can be pretty high. Given this, both Allison (and her fellow athletes) and Chris (and his yelling Accommodators) love the intramural program for exactly the same reasons. It is a great way to get exercise and blow off some steam. And it is also a great way to meet new people, get sweaty and have

  • West regions. “It’s very exciting here basically all of the time, but I miss the field tremendously,” said Foss, who still owns and frequents a small vacation home in rural Oregon. “My life is in the West, and I’ll be back there again someday.”Scott Foss ’91 describes his PLU experiencePLU is just a great school, my experience there was really good. I have a lot of friends from my PLU days and those are the active friendships in my life that go back the furthest. I went through the geology program

  • hard, absolutely, but volunteering and finding ways to demonstrate that attitude will still get you hired. I see this in everyone from friends operating grocery stores to what I’m doing right now in the nonprofit world. People are trying to find really good people.  Read Previous PLU helps celebrate Tacoma Pride Week by raising the rainbow flag on Red Square Read Next Acclaimed poet Rick Barot, director of PLU MFA program, shares a poem titled “The Field” COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated

  • career, was also true for his education. Parsons originally entered Washington State University. But as he started to figure out what he wanted to do after college, transferring to PLU made a lot of sense. “I liked what I saw at PLU,” he recalled. “I liked the smaller environment and the smaller class sizes. It felt good to me. Plus, I thought they had a great business program.” Also factoring into the equation: a move to PLU would allow him to be closer to the businesses that would likely employ him

  • Grit City All-Access: PLU’s new TIES program to immerse students in the City of Destiny COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Snyder named President of NADIIIAA August 16, 2024 PLU College of Liberal Studies welcomes Dean Stephanie Johnson July 24, 2024 Three students share how