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  • Education EDUC 205 : Multicultural Perspectives in the Classroom Examination of issues of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc. as they relate to educational practices. (4) EDUC 287 : Special Topics in Education To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) EDUC 288 : Special

  • personal or professional interest. These minors are coaching, exercise and sport psychology, kinesiology (general studies), personal training, and pre-athletic training. Residency Requirements At least 32 credits of all majors must be taken in residency at PLU, and at least 16 of those must be taken from within the Department of Kinesiology. At least eight semester hours for all minors must be taken in residency at PLU and within the Department of Kinesiology. At least eight semester hours applied

  • June 16, 2008 Playing in the mud Outfitted in waders and armed with oranges, shallow plastic trays and pH testing kits, faculty members and alumni trudged into Clover Creek. Under the watchful guidance of environmental studies faculty, the group was learning to collect field data about the creek, which is an important watershed in this area, explained Jill Whitman, geosciences professor. It’s the same type of work students in the “Environmental Methods of Investigation” course learn to do. The

  • Events view images descriptions print Filter AllCollege of Liberal StudiesDepartment of AnthropologyChinese Studies ProgramDepartment of EconomicsDepartment of EnglishGender, Sexuality, & Race StudiesGlobal Studies ProgramDepartment of HistoryHolocaust and Genocide Studies ProgramDepartment of Languages & LiteraturesMaster of Fine Arts in Creative WritingNative America and Indigenous Studies ProgramDepartment of PhilosophyDepartment of Political SciencePublishing and Printing ArtsDepartment of

  • at universities across the United States is a heartbreaking reminder that there is still so much to do.” Nancy is a visionary in holocaust education. She was the catalyst for the establishment of the 2008 Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies and the 2014 minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. She was also pivotal in forming the nationally-recognized PLU Powell – Heller Holocaust Education Conference in 2008 and the Powell Fellowship conference for Holocaust Education in 2016. Nancy’s

  • at universities across the United States is a heartbreaking reminder that there is still so much to do.” Nancy is a visionary in holocaust education. She was the catalyst for the establishment of the 2008 Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies and the 2014 minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. She was also pivotal in forming the nationally-recognized PLU Powell – Heller Holocaust Education Conference in 2008 and the Powell Fellowship conference for Holocaust Education in 2016. Nancy’s

  • Be a Catalyst for ChangeThe Innovation Studies minor combines PLU’s unique offerings in the liberal arts and the professional schools, as well as curriculum and programming offered by the Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. Innovation Studies is especially supportive of, and connected to, PLU initiatives that encourage diversity, justice, and sustainability.What is the program?In the business and non-profit worlds, the skills necessary for developing new ideas transcend the academic

  • Lin Crowley Faculty, The Evergreen State College Phone: 360-867-6239 Email: Biography Biography B.A. Journalism, The World College of Journalism (Taiwan), 1980; M.A., Mass Communication/Speech, South Dakota State University, 1983; M.P.A., The Evergreen State College, 2006. Expertise: media and Chinese studies Interests: Media studies, Chinese & Asian studies, Communication, labor management relations, and photography. Related Subject Areas Cultural Studies Literature

    Contact Information
  • Germany European Women's History Responsibilities Oversees the Powell-Heller Family Conference each year; organizes the Lemkin Lecturer; oversees the Mayer Summer Scholars program for undergraduates doing research; mentors students engaged in Lemkin essay contests; works to build the Holocaust and Genocide Studies minor at PLU; brings scholars and survivors together for presentations on campus. Books Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: Language, Rhetoric and the Traditions of Hatred (Bloomsbury Academic

  • Department of Kinesiology Academic MinorsKinesiology (General Studies) Minor: Select 16 credits of KINS courses. Up to 6 PHED activity course credits may count toward the Kinesiology Minor and at least four credits must be earned in 300-400 level KINS courses. KINS 360, 361, 490 and 495 may not be taken toward the general studies minor. Students with majors in the Department of Kinesiology are not eligible to declare the Kinesiology general studies minor. Professional Studies Minors