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  • and develop teacher trainings, community programs, exhibits, and classroom resources.  Ilana received her B.A. from the University of British Columbia and M.A. at the University of Connecticut. Ilana is a recipient of the Pamela Waechter award for Jewish Communal Service, an Alfred Lerner Fellow from the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, a Jackson Leadership Fellow, and has participated in numerous Holocaust education programs nationally and internationally.  Ilana has helped to plan and lead

  • fall, far exceeding our original goal. We know not all of them will take the final steps to register, but these are very positive numbers and a story that makes PLU stand out in meaningful ways. As we do every year, we’ve asked students and their families to share with us why they’ve chosen PLU. Here are a few of the top reasons – I think they will feel familiar to you: Scholarship support, including the Fixed Tuition Guarantee Campus visits and interactions with welcoming faculty, staff, students

  • single transaction does not exceed the maximum per transaction spending amount established for the cardholder. Obtain all itemized sales slips, register receipts, or other proof-of-purchase documentation. Provide receipts with business purpose details to the departmental reviewer for review, reconciliation, and to file for audits. Attempt to resolve disputes and/or billing errors directly with the vendor, and notify the Bank if the dispute or billing error is not satisfactorily resolved. Ensure that

  • coach her faculty in the production of scholarly publications. Have you done fulbright before? This is the third Fulbright teaching award for me… previously in Kampala, Uganda and Baku, Azerbaijan. In both of these cases, I was much more a student than teacher. What will you miss at PLU? I will sorely miss watching the growth of my 2014 first-year advisees who are graduating this year. 😉 Dr. Jeffrey Bell-Hanson, Director of Orchestral Activities, will be researching an historic piano. What are your

  • , to the fitness of the faculty member in their professional capacity as a teacher or researcher. Disciplinary action or dismissal will not be used to restrain faculty members in their exercise of academic freedom or their rights as American citizens. Disciplinary Action Any disciplinary action taken against a faculty member shall be subject to the safeguards of due process. If the action is deemed unwarranted or unjust by the faculty member, they may petition the Conciliation Committee for redress

  • anchors for the school district’s summer program, and with a special eye toward hiring new alumni like Meyer and Allen who had done their student-teaching senior projects Namibia. The cross-cultural experience they both received in Africa made them ideal job candidates for the excursion to Alaska. After the summer-school adventure ends, both already have interviews lined up for the school year, they said. “The time in Namibia really made my future clear,” Allen said. “I know I want to be a teacher

  • maintain such a vision of education’s purpose. To start with the self-honesty. If my purpose as a teacher is to invite my students to walk into the gap between their particular Flatland and journey of intensification into particularity, the very act of teaching requires that I do the same. lt requires that each time l walk into the classroom I attend cognitively and affectively to the chasm between what l desire for my students and what is possible in a course as students pursue their own desires

  • , senior web designer Logan graduated from Central Washington University in 2009 and did freelance work for several years. He started working at PLU in 2012. Since then, he’s been responsible for completely redesigning the university’s website, and was a huge contributor ahead of an award for outstanding design and functionality in 2015. He is also the author of the book, 10 and 90: The Tackle That Changed Everything , and an inspirational speaker. He is on a mission to share his story and positive

  • University in 2009 and did freelance work for several years. He started working at PLU in 2012. Since then, he’s been responsible for completely redesigning the university’s website, and was a huge contributor ahead of an award for outstanding design and functionality in 2015. He is also the author of the book, 10 and 90: The Tackle That Changed Everything , and an inspirational speaker. He is on a mission to share his story and positive attitude after a spinal cord injury in high school left him in a

  • retention rates 8%, to a current level of 87%. The close-knit connections between our students and faculty in our curricular and co-curricular offerings clearly result in an engaged SOAC student body. Increased recognition of the outstanding work of our students and faculty. In 2015-16, we presented 288 events on campus, involving 6,421 participants (many multiple times), to over 29,000 audience members. Our 2015 Christmas Concert, A Christmas Invitation, was broadcast regionally in Washington and