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  • in Tacoma, Dick lived from ages 5 to 8 with his great aunt and uncle in Hoquiam. They traveled often to Lake Quinault on the Olympic Peninsula, launching Dick’s great love of the outdoors. He graduated from Tacoma’s Lincoln High School in 1945, president of his senior class and an All-City tackle on Lincoln’s undefeated 1944 football team. After graduation, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. The GI Bill gave him the chance to be the first in his family to attend college. He enrolled at PLU

  • affordable, and the affordable weren’t skilled. So, despite my circumstance, I decided I would go and get a J.D. myself to become an effective attorney for the poor and the legally weak. How is it going? It is a dream come true and I feel like I’m floating on grace every day! The Juris Doctorate program is very rigorous, though. I’m reading about 8 hours a day, just to prepare for lectures. I’ve never studied this much ever in my life. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out how laid back my peers

  • , including election as a Metro Parks Tacoma commissioner, membership in Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 and supporting formation of Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, now Tacoma Arts Live. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Featured Stories Gallery Discovery Class Notes ResoLute Staff Recent Articles Bring Your Whole Self Here’s How We Live It Power Paddle

  • started coaching for the juniors team CBRC.  Which she continued when she returned to the rowing team her senior year. Since beginning coaching in 2006, Megan has been coaching in some form everywhere she’s gone. While studying for a Master’s of Social Work and a Master’s of Theology at Boston University, Megan supported herself by coaching at Community Rowing Inc in Boston.  During her 8 years at CRI, she coached multiple groups, but her favorite groups were the Master Recreation. She’s worked with

  • . MinorMinor SOCW 101 (190) or 245 (4) SOCW electives (8) Choose from either course not used above, or from SOCW 250, 350, or 360 Remaining elective (4) Choose from any course not used above, or from SOCW 175, 287, 320, 325, 329, 345, 387, 491; SOCI 210, 226, 330, 332, 384, 410, 494; SOCW 232 or SOCI 232; PSYC 310, 315, 337; or COMA 340 SOCW 375 (2) Requirements for those majoring in both sociology & criminal justice and social work 84 semester hours including: SOCW 245, 250, 350, 360, 460, 465, 475, 476

  • , but in a common cause. When the time came, they were well prepared and what seems to others to be an extraordinary task was “the normal thing to do.”8 Most importantly, they acted in a way that upheld the dignity of those they protected, as well as those they strove against. Andre Trocme preached that they were to resist with the “weapons of the spirit, but we will do so without fear, but also without hate and without hate.”9 A faculty panel discusses the war in Ukraine at a Teach-In, March, 2022

  • template strand during transcription played a role. Cells were subjected to canavanine a selective pressure that induces oxidative stress, and target gene sequencing was employed to elucidate the resulting mutation spectrum. Cells deficient in the repair of the common oxidative modification 7,8–dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) were used to take advantage of this lesion’s characteristic G:C to T:A mutation signature. The mutation spectrum indicated that 8-oxoG damage occurred primarily on the template

  • at Sylvester Middle School in Burien. “Mr. Wade! Mr. Wade! I need your help,” a few chimed in from different corners of the room. Wade, alongside longtime teacher Darrell Chase, calmly commanded the classroom as though he had done it for years. Yet, the 38-year-old is in his second year of teaching, and he credits his immediate success to the intense preparation at Pacific Lutheran University through the Alternative Routes to Certification (ARC) program. The intensive, primarily field-based

  • inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The analysis provided evidence that some areas on the hillsides are still heavily contaminated with 78% of samples being above 3,000 ppm, 25% above 40,000 ppm, and a maximum concentration of 89,000 ppm. The bioaccessibility was 130 ± 20% and was calculated using the LIBS results for total soil lead concentration. Adaptive Mutation from induced DNA damage of yeast 8- oxoguanine glycosylase cells Zohal G. Mohammady, Senior Capstone Seminar The OGG1 gene

  • active production program, producing up to 8 shows every academic year, about half directed by students. We bring in professional guest artists annually to provide master classes and production support to forge valuable connections. You’ll gain significant practical experience that builds on your coursework to develop a strong resume and will be well-prepared after graduation to enter the theatre profession or get into graduate school. Concentrations: Acting/Directing Design/Technical Musical Theatre