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  • The Office of Advancement works to raise charitable contributions, which support the mission of Pacific Lutheran University.

    laughter and joy are a big thanks to you for making all of this possible. Thank you for supporting athletics and on behalf of myself and all of the other student athletes, you have made such a positive impact on the stories we get to tell to our friends, families and loved ones.Callie Simmonds ’25 Nursing major; Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies major Volleyball There are two things that I have wanted to do my whole life: learn and teach. My goals are to teach English and/or work in genocide

    Office of Advancement
    12501 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0018
  • Alice Steinglass news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Alice Steinglass Visits October 9 for Workshop and Lecture Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of  on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran… October 1, 2018 Alice SteinglassCode.orgcomputer science educationDale E. Benson Lectureinnovation studies

  • news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Alice Steinglass Visits October 9 for Workshop and Lecture Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of  on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran… October 1, 2018 Alice SteinglassCode.orgcomputer science educationDale E. Benson Lectureinnovation studies

  • Keven Drews’ doctor told him he was out of options in his longtime fight for his life. So, he launched a crowdfunding campaign to earn $500,000 for a clinical trial at Fred Hutchinson Cancer

    life on social media, most of Drews’ days are spent at home with his children. For Yvette Drews, the possibility of losing Keven with kids in the picture has made this recent development frightening. “It has made everything get really real – really quickly,” Yvette Drews said. “It is scary to think about what the future could be, raising two children, one on the autism spectrum, by myself.” But hope is not lost, just pricey. “Until now, the system up here works generally by you walking into a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 31, 2016)- The state Legislature has adjourned, following a 60-day regular session and a 20-day overtime session. The budget adopted by lawmakers maintains current funding levels for the State Need Grant program, despite earlier proposals to cut as much as $9 million.…

    -called “tuition backfill”). $1.4 million to address the teacher shortage issue. Finally, two new studies related to higher education were funded in the budget. The first is a study by the Student Achievement Council. It’s designed to objectively analyze and make recommendations about systemic overlaps and gaps in jurisdiction regarding for-profit, degree-granting institutions and private vocational schools in the state, as well as make recommendations to improve oversight and accountability of these

  • Associate Professor Claudia Berguson says PLU’s link to Norway informs the values carried through its mission.

    BergusonAssociate Professor of Norwegian and Nordic Studies In the time since Bjug Harstad and many Norwegian immigrants came to the Pacific Northwest, Norway has grown to be a wealthy country active in its humanitarian roles facilitating peacebuilding, contributing to global development goals and searching for ways to identify itself in a multicultural, diverse 21st century. It is a process not without its growing pains, but a process we can learn a great deal from. This issue of ResoLute presents specific

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

    How Innovative was the Apple II? Posted by: halvormj / July 23, 2018 Image: Steve Wozniak embraces the Apple II personal computer, which debuted in 1977. July 23, 2018 By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand out? In PLU’s Innovation Studies program, we’re

  • Four PLU women from the Department of Economics present their research at a national undergraduate conference in Memphis, Tennessee.

    * King County Metro 70.4% Fares only covered 29.6% of operating costs Sound Transit 74.8% Fares only covered 25.2% of operating costs Pierce Transit 80% Fares only covered 20% of operating costs *Data on rates from 2014 Jessen used statistical analysis to examine the relationship between public transportation subsidies and ridership. She acknowledges that she didn’t find a definite conclusion, and would benefit from more time and more advanced methods. But the student-faculty research process gave

  • Michael Halvorson news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    New History Course Examines Innovation and Ethics By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19.  This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new history class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one.… September 7, 2018 EthicshistoryInnovation studiesMichael HalvorsonSarah Cornell-Maier

  • PLU Peace Corps program prepares Lutes for service work abroad.

    was easy. After mapping out the Peace Corps certificate requirements, Tamara Williams and Joel Zylstra — directors of the Wang Center for Global Education and the Center for Community Engagement and Service, respectively — found that some students were already completing the program just based off their majors. “It was global studies, environmental studies and Hispanic studies,” Zylstra said. “When there is overlap like that it’s kind of like ‘why not?’” Zylstra and Williams were approached by the