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  • PLU President Allan Belton and MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson discuss the recently announced Partnership for Health Innovation with KOMO News anchors Steve McCarron and Tyra Majors on ARC Seattle (KOMO News). Announced in February 2024, the Partnership for Health Innovation unites PLU, MultiCare, and Washington…

    PLU and MultiCare leaders discuss new partnership on ARC Seattle (KOMO News) Posted by: Zach Powers / March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 PLU President Allan Belton and MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson discuss the recently announced Partnership for Health Innovation with KOMO News anchors Steve McCarron and Tyra Majors on ARC Seattle (KOMO News). Announced in February 2024, the Partnership for Health Innovation unites PLU, MultiCare, and Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

  • Lindsey Clark ’24 came to PLU knowing it was where she wanted to be. But Clark—a double major in mathematics and gender, sexuality, and race studies (GSRS)—says PLU challenged and changed her and expanded her worldview in ways she never before considered on her way…

    Mathematics major Lindsey Clark ’24 is a Noyce scholar and future teacher Posted by: Zach Powers / April 2, 2024 Image: Lindsey Clark ’24 will return to PLU in the fall to earn a Masters of Arts in Education and her teaching credential. (photos by Sy Bean/PLU) April 2, 2024 By Mark StorerPLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer Lindsey Clark ’24 came to PLU knowing it was where she wanted to be. But Clark—a double major in mathematics and gender, sexuality, and race studies (GSRS)—says PLU

  • Shalita Myrick, Pacific Lutheran University’s new chief operating officer and vice president for administrative services, has one major takeaway after completing her first week on the job. “This is the most open and welcoming community I’ve ever been a part of,” she says. Throughout the…

    PLU welcomes new Chief Operating Officer and VP Shalita Myrick to campus Posted by: Zach Powers / June 11, 2024 Image: Shalita Myrick is PLU’s new chief operating officer and vice president for administrative services (photo by Sy Bean/PLU). June 11, 2024 By Zach PowersPLU Marketing & CommunicationsShalita Myrick, Pacific Lutheran University’s new chief operating officer and vice president for administrative services, has one major takeaway after completing her first week on the job. “This is

  • Angie Hambrick still identifies as a Midwest girl, but after working at PLU for 18 years, she’s also a Lute through and through. As the associate vice president for diversity, justice and sustainability, Hambrick provides strategic vision on matters related to equity and inclusion and…

    come from is the reason why they now can’t successfully do X, Y and Z at their university. But a growing number of us understand that this is deficit-minded thinking that serves no one, least of all our students.What would be the antithesis of a deficit-minded mindset? Equity-minded?Yes, exactly. When it comes to retention, specifically, deficit-minded thinking solely imposes the responsibility for a student’s success on the student, not the institution. Equity-minded thinking examines the

  • Both Douglas McGrath and Autumn de Wilde seize upon the holiday scenes in Emma (1815), the only Austen novel with a Christmas scene. Each film’s Christmas scene display the cultivation of relationships and community-building. However, in their respective representations of Emma and Mr. Elton (McGrath)…

    “A Holly Jolly Christmas”: Oppositional Binaries in McGrath and de Wilde’s Emma Posted by: ramosam / December 24, 2020 December 24, 2020 By Madeline Scully Both Douglas McGrath and Autumn de Wilde seize upon the holiday scenes in Emma (1815), the only Austen novel with a Christmas scene. Each film’s Christmas scene display the cultivation of relationships and community-building. However, in their respective representations of Emma and Mr. Elton (McGrath) and Emma and Mr. Knightley (de Wilde

  • The University Jazz Ensemble and University Wind Ensemble will travel to Australia May 28 –June 11, 2013, to discover the “Down Under” and share their music with an international audience. Traveling to Melbourne, Bairnsdale, Canberra and Sydney, 49 students will discover both the rural and…

    Pacific Lutheran University’s Jazz and Wind Ensembles go “Down Under” this summer Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / May 21, 2013 May 21, 2013 The University Jazz Ensemble and University Wind Ensemble will travel to Australia May 28 –June 11, 2013, to discover the “Down Under” and share their music with an international audience. Traveling to Melbourne, Bairnsdale, Canberra and Sydney, 49 students will discover both the rural and urban aspects of Australia, and perform and participate in musical

  • Together, senior Dylan Ruggeri ’23 and junior Kenzie Knapp ’24 created an innovative climate science musical performance on PLU’s campus in 2022. Both students are majoring in environmental studies and theatre, and the duo drew on their passions to create art, transforming audience perspectives on…

    Dylan Ruggeri ’23 and Kenzie Knapp ’24 discuss their climate science musical Posted by: nicolacs / June 8, 2023 Image: Dylan Ruggeri and Kenzie Knapp pose for their Senior Spotlight portraits, Friday, May 19, 2023, at PLU. (PLU Photo / Sy Bean) June 8, 2023 By By Lora ShinnPLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterTogether, senior Dylan Ruggeri ’23 and junior Kenzie Knapp ’24 created an innovative climate science musical performance on PLU’s campus in 2022.Both students are majoring in

  • Lindsey Clark ’24 came to PLU knowing it was where she wanted to be. But Clark—a double major in  mathematics  and  gender, sexuality, and race studies  (GSRS)—says PLU challenged and changed her and expanded her worldview in ways she never before considered on her way…

    Mathematics major Lindsey Clark ’24 is a Noyce scholar and future teacher Posted by: nicolacs / April 2, 2024 April 2, 2024 By Mark StorerPLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer Lindsey Clark ’24 came to PLU knowing it was where she wanted to be. But Clark—a double major in mathematics and gender, sexuality, and race studies (GSRS)—says PLU challenged and changed her and expanded her worldview in ways she never before considered on her way to becoming a math teacher. “Math is kind of what I

  • As the world was beginning to realize the enormity of COVID-19, two Pacific Lutheran University professors seized the 2020 moment to do significant research into the psychology of the pandemic. PLU Department of Psychology  Chair Jon Grahe and his Statistics 232 students conducted a U.S.…

    PLU professors and students dive deep into the psychology of the pandemic Posted by: nicolacs / April 26, 2021 Image: PLU psychology major Ricky Haneda and department chair Jon Grahe (photos by Silong Chhun/PLU) April 26, 2021 By Lisa Patterson '98PLU Marketing and Communications Guest WriterAs the world was beginning to realize the enormity of COVID-19, two Pacific Lutheran University professors seized the 2020 moment to do significant research into the psychology of the pandemic.PLU

  • Vinny D’Onofrio ’24 majored in biology and chemistry at PLU, played at nationals with the men’s soccer team, and prepared for a career in the medical field. D’Onofrio recently sat down with PLU News to discuss his PLU experience. How did you learn about PLU?…

    Student athlete Vinny D’Onofrio ’24 excelled in biology and chemistry at PLU Posted by: nicolacs / June 4, 2024 Image: PLU Chemistry major Vinny D’Onofrio poses for his Senior Spotlight portrait, Friday, May 3, 2024, in the Rieke Science Center at PLU. (PLU Photo / Sy Bean) June 4, 2024 By Fulton Bryant-Anderson ’23PLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterVinny D’Onofrio ’24 majored in biology and chemistry at PLU, played at nationals with the men’s soccer team, and prepared for a career in