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  • Valley of USA. Juliet Johnson, Jinan University Click on the Zoom link to join the panel. Panel 3B: Round Table (Hauge Administration Building 200) Chair: Yi Sun Between China’s Revolution and Modernization: Exploring James Z. Gao’s Scholarship in China Studies and College Teaching Speakers: Xiaojia Hou, San Jose State University Patrick F. Shan, Grand Valley State University Qiang Fang, University of Minnesota-Duluth Xiaobing Li, University of Central Oklahoma 2

  • Andrea Munro Research GroupIn the Munro Lab, we study the synthesis, surface chemistry, stability, and properties of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. We have studied ligand exchange and we grow nanocrystals in a variety of shape and sizes. Student researchers work in our lab during the academic year and as part of the Natural Sciences Undergraduate Summer Research Program. In a typical summer 2-3 undergraduate students work in the Munro Lab for 10 weeks. They learn to synthesize colloidal

  • interested in. I knew that I would have a chance at getting an associate’s degree while I was in the military through the language training program. That was definitely one of the motivating factors, as a first-generation college student. Do you feel that language acquisition has helped you in the transition to becoming an undergrad student? Absolutely. The military language school is no joke, so that honed my work ethic. Also, I am able to use my language skills in my research as a history major — it

  • sustainability practices on the PLU campus, and help identify funding agencies or opportunities for the projects.  The DJS fellowships are intended to continue the collaboration between students, faculty, and staff around issues of diversity, justice, and sustainability while building students’ skills. DJS Fellowship project topics will be guided by current and emerging needs of DJS initiatives at PLU.  Fellowship Award: $1,500 will be awarded to up to 6 students for their project contributions2022-2023 DJS

  • foundational things to what I’ve done in my career. What’s your best advice to current PLU students who might be interested in a career in the IT field?  The best advice I would give is to start your career at a place where you can have tremendous opportunities to learn and grow. You’re not done learning when you get your bachelor’s degree at PLU. You’ll have some great knowledge and skills to offer, but you should still be focused on growth. Early in your career, especially, look for jobs that will

  • one of the things that I was most interested in. I knew that I would have a chance at getting an associate’s degree while I was in the military through the language training program. That was definitely one of the motivating factors, as a first-generation college student. Do you feel that language acquisition has helped you in the transition to becoming an undergrad student? Absolutely. The military language school is no joke, so that honed my work ethic. Also, I am able to use my language skills

  • aspects of German cultural and history. Her research and publications are focused on the role of the artist in public discourse in East and West Germany, as well as on the exhibition of contemporary art as a cultural and political force in the Cold War era and today. Her most recent work deals with contemporary art and cultural integration. In addition to teaching on topics such as gender issues, identity, and memory in modern and contemporary art, Heather is Coordinator of the University Gallery

  • FormMortvedt Design LabThe Design Lab is located on the first floor of the library, to the right of the Help Desk. This lab features 18 iMacs, each featuring the full Adobe Creative Suite as well as a host of other software. DVD and Blu-Ray burners are available as well. This lab is open during building hours, and all PLU members have swipe access.Wiegand Design LabWiegand Design Lab is located in Morken 115 and open during building hours. The lab hosts 6 Mac computers equipped with the Adobe Creative

  • interdisciplinary tools and knowledge about natural systems, human institutions, beliefs and values, and the dissemination of these ideas through business, education, nursing and other professions. Keep reading to learn more about the program. Read Previous PLU music majors produce free music camp Read Next Student-athlete finds a community more than 2,600 miles from home LATEST POSTS 5 Tips for Writing a College Essay August 21, 2024 From an Expert: 10 Tips on How to Stand Out on Your Common App August 21

  • continuing operational funding for a particular professional school of Pacific Lutheran University. The current PLU professional schools include the School of Art and Communication, the School of Business, the School of Education and Kinesiology, and the School of Nursing. Named Endowed Schools begin at $10,000,000. 5. Endowed Academic Department A named endowment fund may be established to provide substantial continuing operational funding for a particular academic department or division of the