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Apply Today for the 2016 ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates Deadline January 25 With support from the National Science Foundation, the ACS Office of International Activities is pleased to announce the 2016 IREU application. U.S. undergraduate students in chemistry, chemical engineering or materials sciences…
research experience are welcome to apply. Funded by NSF, the IREU program places rising sophomore or junior students in top labs in Italy, Germany, Singapore or the United Kingdom for ten weeks. The program includes round-trip international travel, a housing and living stipend while abroad, an orientation at ACS headquarters in Washington and participation in the 2017 ACS spring national meeting. Women and underrepresented students in the sciences are encouraged to apply! Learn more about the IREU
ACS Virtual Career Day Join experts from the ACS Career Navigator for this free career development event designed especially for undergrad students on Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11 am ET. Register today to participate in three thought-provoking program segments with practical advice to help…
ACS Virtual Career Day Posted by: nicolacs / March 25, 2021 March 25, 2021 ACS Virtual Career Day Join experts from the ACS Career Navigator for this free career development event designed especially for undergrad students on Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11 am ET. Register today to participate in three thought-provoking program segments with practical advice to help you prepare for job searching and learn what to expect as a new hire in the chemical sciences. This Career Day includes: Resume
Student learns disaster’s impact firsthand By Kari Plog ’11 Boats remain docked in Venice, La. as oil continues to gush from a ruptured BP oil well offshore in the Gulf Coast. “I would love to talk to y’all, but my job is my number one…
environmental to economic. (Photo courtesy of the United States Coast Guard) Narratives like this are common surrounding the clean-up efforts. Oil has damaged more than open waters within the past two months, since the April 20 explosion killed 11 men on the offshore rig and ignited the disaster. During my short trip to Venice, I tried talking to a few fishermen who would not comment on camera about what they though about the spill. Many of them have lost work due to the environmental devastation and are
Nursing program secures two grants By Barbara Clements The School of Nursing recently received a total of $800,000 in grants which will help the school continue its outreach to senior citizens in the South Puget Sound area. Broken out, the funds come from a$500,000 grant…
June 29, 2011 Nursing program secures two grants By Barbara Clements The School of Nursing recently received a total of $800,000 in grants which will help the school continue its outreach to senior citizens in the South Puget Sound area. Broken out, the funds come from a$500,000 grant received from the Gary E. Milgard Family Foundation to the Comprehensive Gerontologic Education Partnership (CGEP), and an additional $300,000 from the Cornelsen Family Foundation. Pacific Lutheran University
The McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis is not only a partner in our Dual Degree Program – they also offer 11 doctoral programs that may interest students who have a strong motivation to contribute to STEM research. They frequently admit…
application for the Ph.D. programs opened Sept. 1 and they’ll be waiving the $75 application fee for all current students at Dual Degree affiliated schools applying to a graduate program in the McKelvey School of Engineering. McKelvey Engineering will be hosting multiple virtual info sessions this fall for students to explore their programs and meet faculty and Ph.D. students. View their upcoming recruitment schedule. If you’re interested in research but are not sure about pursuing a PhD program, they
Curious about what it’s like to major in Education at PLU? In this quick video, Professor Paul Sutton breaks down the essentials of the program, from how PLU teachers to the hands-on opportunities our program creates for future teachers. Watch this one-minute video for insights…
from day one. You’ll gain practical teaching experience in K-12 classrooms, starting your first semester and continuing throughout the program. Professional Development: PLU offers continuing education for teachers, focusing on diversity, social justice, and sustainability. We build strong partnerships with schools and communities to enhance educational experiences for all. Direct Admission for Education Majors: PLU offers direct admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) program, so that
The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in biophysics is funded by the National Science Foundation to support ten highly qualified students to undertake interdisciplinary, supervised research projects at Clemson University, for a period of 10 weeks each summer. The projects are designed to give…
biological problems, and the contributions that biologists can make on physical problems. The focus is on cross-disciplinary training. The program includes a week-long biophysics boot-camp, a biophysics seminar series, a research tools workshop, a professional development workshop, a journal club, off-campus field trips, and social activities. Program participants regularly present their research to, and hear about the research conducted by, their peers. By the end of the program, participants present
TACOMA, WASH. (May 30, 2018) — Kevin Ebi ’95 was in the right place at the right time. The Lute who took a photograph immortalized on a postage stamp can now claim viral celebrity status, after capturing the breathtaking battle of a young fox fighting…
of many that went viral. (Photo by Kevin Ebi '95, “At the time, I thought I had a few dramatic images, but I really didn’t think they would travel the world as they have,” Ebi said. “To a certain extent, I think it wasn’t any one image that caused this to go viral — it was the story.” And the story has resonated. The images have appeared in newspapers from Russia to Australia. A quick internet search pulls up pages upon pages of stories citing Ebi’s firsthand account. “A
Brooke Brown ’06, an ethnic studies teacher at Parkland’s Washington High School, was recently named the 2021 Washington State Teacher of the Year by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Brown engages students in her classroom by centering each student’s…
Instruction (OSPI).Brown engages students in her classroom by centering each student’s rich experiences to encourage them to recognize the values in themselves. Brown says that “Fostering a safe environment for students to develop critical thinking skills and to have critical conversations” is fundamental to her approach. “I wanted to be the teacher that I needed growing up” Brown explains. An aspiring Power Ranger as a young child, Brown’s passion for saving the world led to dreams of a law career
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Program is a 10 week summer program designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate university students to gain experience in medical physics by performing research in a medical physics laboratory or assisting with clinical service…
. The term of the fellowship is May – September. The mentor and Fellow will determine the exact 10 week schedule. In this program, AAPM serves as a clearinghouse to match exceptional students with exceptional medical physicists, many who are faculty at leading research centers. Students participating in the program are placed into summer positions that are consistent with their interest. Students are selected for the program on a competitive basis to be an AAPM summer fellow. Each summer fellow
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