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  • PLU ROTC awarded prestigious MacArthur Award By Chris Albert The PLU ROTC program was recently named a recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Award. The nation has recognized the program at PLU as one of the top nationally,” said Lt. Col. Jason K. Shrader, professor of…

    for General Douglas MacArthur and is handed out each year by the U.S. Army Cadet Command – the parent organization of Army ROTC – in conjunction with the Norfolk, Virginia-based General Douglas MacArthur Foundation. Each year, one ROTC program representing each of the eight U.S. Army Brigades is named a recipient of the award and represents the cream of the crop of 273 ROTC programs nationwide. Since 1989, the award has been given annually to individual units in the Army ROTC program. The award

  • The Chemistry Department, at the University of North Texas, invites applications for their Summer 2017 NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program.  The ten-week program will tentatively begin the last week of May or the first week of June. Also, participants will be given a $5,000…

    to and from the REU site, which is located in the northern outskirts of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.  If you are interested, please submit your application, personal statement, transcripts and two letters of recommendation by Wednesday, March 1, 2017.  Application forms and additional information can be found on the following webpage: Read Previous Immunology Graduate Program Opportunity – Dallas, TX Read Next Chemistry Jan/Spring 2017 Course Enrollment

  • During our recent search for a half-time Director of Congregational Engagement, we heard from a variety of stakeholders as well as the candidates that the Director for Congregational Engagement sounded much more like a full-time rather than a half-time position. Given that reality along with…

    gratitude to several well-qualified finalists and decided to extend the interim period for one to two more years while the University identifies necessary resources to make the position a full-time one. Interim Director John Rosenberg will continue in his current position pending the outcome of a new search. Meanwhile, watch for the development of a regular electronic newsletter directed toward faith leaders and their communities in the Pacific Northwest along with a Summer Theological Conference in

  • The Puget Sound Section of the American Chemical Society is pleased to bring you two informative virtual sessions recommended for all STEM undergraduates, especially chemistry students. Event 1: Wednesday, Feb 22, 2023, 5-6 pm (PST) – Professor Robin Anand (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). “Applying…

    ACS Puget Sound – 19th Annual Careers in Chemistry for Undergraduates Posted by: nicolacs / January 17, 2023 January 17, 2023 The Puget Sound Section of the American Chemical Society is pleased to bring you two informative virtual sessions recommended for all STEM undergraduates, especially chemistry students. Event 1: Wednesday, Feb 22, 2023, 5-6 pm (PST) – Professor Robin Anand (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). “Applying and Getting Accepted to Graduate School in Chemistry

  • On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Sakai will be out of service from 7:00AM to 7:30AM PDT in order to upgrade the CKEditor , the rich-text editor in Sakai. The CKEditor is embedded within many Sakai tools including Lessons, Mailtool, Assignments, Announcements, etc. As a result…

    Sakai Rich-Text Editor Upgrade on Aug. 8, 2015 Posted by: Jenna S / May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015 On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Sakai will be out of service from 7:00AM to 7:30AM PDT in order to upgrade the CKEditor, the rich-text editor in Sakai. The CKEditor is embedded within many Sakai tools including Lessons, Mailtool, Assignments, Announcements, etc. As a result of this upgrade, the new CKEditor will have a new look-and-feel, most noticeably with updated tool icons. However, the current

  • Liederabend: An Evening of Song Tune your radio dial to 98.1 FM or listen online this Friday, November 8 at 8 PM as the PLU Regency Voices ensemble performs live on air for KING FM’s NW Focus Live weekly radio program. Regency Voices has assembled…

    Regency Voices on KING FM’s NW Focus Live Posted by: Reesa Nelson / November 6, 2019 November 6, 2019 Liederabend: An Evening of SongTune your radio dial to 98.1 FM or listen online this Friday, November 8 at 8 PM as the PLU Regency Voices ensemble performs live on air for KING FM’s NW Focus Live weekly radio program. Regency Voices has assembled a program featuring the music of Johannes Brahms. See below for roles and to learn more about the performers.Soon ChoMezzo-SopranoOksana

  • If you’re in the middle of applying to colleges, chances are you’ve heard about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Filling out the FAFSA is one of the best ways to make sure colleges, including PLU, can put together a financial aid package…

    just for you. This year, the FAFSA is scheduled to open on or around December 1. But don’t worry! There are a few things you can do right now to make sure you’re ready to hit the ground running once the FAFSA opens up. Here are our top recommendations:1. Set Up Your Federal Student Aid (FSA) AccountBefore you can fill out the FAFSA, you’ll need to create your FSA ID—your personal Student Aid account. This ID is how you’ll access the application and submit your information. And heads up: your parent

  • This year’s recipient of the Enrico Jones Award in Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology has been presented to Dr. Tiffany Artime, Associate Professor of Psychology. The purpose of this award is to recognize the scholarship of a WPA member who is an early career psychotherapy researcher,…

    . Dr. Artime, whose research interest is in the area of Traumatic Stress, completed a 2-year collaboration with the University of Washington, funded by PCORI. Her project developed a stakeholder learning community, composed of college clinicians, administrators, student life professionals, community members, and students who investigated evidence-based trauma focused treatments for use in university counseling centers. Dr. Artime engages her students in research which is timely, and bridges the gap

  • Award: $1,500 Deadline: March 1 of each year Please submit all required parts of the application (except letters of recommendation, which will be sent directly by the recommender) to the current Education Committee Chair (see contact info below). PDFs preferred. Eligibility: Applicants must be currently…

    in the ACS Puget Sound Section (for a list of colleges in our section please visit our website) and plan to continue their undergraduate education during the fall. Have completed one year of general chemistry and completed or concurrently enrolled in organic chemistry. Intend to pursue a major in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, or related field involving a curriculum emphasizing chemistry coursework. Number: Minimum 1 and maximum 2 scholarships Contact: Jennie Mayer, Education

  • TACOMA, Wash. – Junior Ashley Stiles has been a member of the three-time defending Northwest Conference Champion Pacific Lutheran University women’s rowing team for the past three years. Last year, Stiles was an alternate for the Lutes at the NCAA Division III Championships where the…

    nation. Not only successful on the water, Stiles takes that same energy outside of the athletic atmosphere into her daily life. As a political science major, Stiles is doing an internship at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia. “I’m getting a really deep understanding of state government, of policy, and of law making. I’m also getting to essentially “job shadow” for about four months. It has really solidified my desire to work in politics in the future,” said Stiles.More Read Previous Dr. Maria