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  • Legislative Days Posted by: Marcom Web Team / March 28, 2019 March 28, 2019 By Jeannette ShimkoCommunications Coordinator/Administrative Assistant, SOCSOLYMPIA, Wash. - WA State Legislative Internship Faculty Coordinator DayPLU Political Science students (and their Prof. Maria Chávez-Pringle) attended Washington State Legislative Faculty Coordinator Day at the legislative building in March. Among some of the activities, “Stepping into Roles“, where interns discussed what it’s like to take on

  • Transmission & Distribution (T&D) departments. The hours for these positions are 40 hours per week. The term of each position is expected to coincide with the typical summer break for college students. $30.27 – $36.79 Hourly, applications due January 8, 2024. We have engineering internships in the following areas: Generation Automation Engineering Substation Engineering Protection & Controls Engineering T&D Asset Management & Innovation New Services Engineering (NSE) Energy Management System Tacoma Power

  • Caltech WAVE Fellows Program Posted by: alemanem / October 27, 2020 October 27, 2020 Caltech is now accepting applications for our WAVE Fellows undergraduate research program. The WAVE Fellows program provides support for undergraduate students, who are underrepresented in STEM and intent on pursuing a Ph.D., to conduct a 10-week summer research project under the mentorship of Caltech faculty. Research opportunities in biology, neuroscience, chemistry, chemical engineering, engineering and

  • ACS Bridge Program (ACS-BP) Posted by: nicolacs / January 19, 2021 January 19, 2021 The American Chemical Society is now accepting applications for 2021-2022 ACS Bridge Fellows. The ACS Bridge Program (ACS-BP) was developed to increase the number of students from underrepresented (UR) racial and ethnic groups obtaining a Ph.D. in the chemical sciences. ACS-BP assists UR students with getting into and succeeding in graduate school. As an ACS Bridge Fellow, students enroll in a one- to two-year

  • On Exhibit (Virtually): Wang Center Contest Winners Posted by: Holly Senn / April 13, 2020 April 13, 2020 While Mortvedt Library’s building is closed during the COVID-19 pandemic our exhibits continue–we are highlighting PLU students’ work online. Follow this link to the virtual exhibit of the Wang Center’s photo and video contest winners. The Annual Wang Center Photo & Video Contest is an opportunity for students to reflect upon their study away experience and to share images with the PLU

  • APS Virtual Career Fair Posted by: nicolacs / August 23, 2021 August 23, 2021 For the first time ever, the American Physical Society (APS), the premier national society of physicists, is hosting a standalone Virtual Career Fair on September 13-15: Virtual Career Fair 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. This event will include both a Job Fair and a Graduate School Fair and it will be held over a three-day period. If you are a student or early career scientist exploring career options or looking for jobs

  • Interested in Materials Chemistry? Posted by: munroam / December 31, 2015 December 31, 2015 The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University hosts a summer research program for outstanding undergraduate students. This research experience for undergraduates (REU) encourages students in the chemical sciences to learn more about materials chemistry, nanoscience, and assembly by providing them with the opportunity to conduct research under the direction of a faculty member and in collaboration

  • experience level with both full-time and part-time positions. They test for and verify a variety of client samples, ranging from pesticides analysis used in agricultural products, to trace metal analysis in water sources. At the end of the day, whether it’s a legal issue with major recall or quality assurance, they provide unbiased data for application in whatever the customers’ needs may be. The skills and experience you will gain here will guide you in your career and prepare you to work in almost any

  • Four More Hauge Administration Classrooms Receive Technology Upgrades Posted by: Jenna S / January 11, 2013 January 11, 2013 by Travis Pagel Just before Christmas Break, the Instructional Technologies team completed classroom technology upgrades in four more classrooms in the Hauge Administration building.  Rooms 204A, 208, 210 and 217 all received new media podiums and new control equipment to control the projector in the classroom. These new podiums allow us to monitor the condition of the

  • reception will happen a week later on Wednesday March 18, with a reception at 5:00 pm. Utilitarian items such as vases, butter dishes and teapots will be on display. Schwartzkopf notes that these items are nourishing both to the eye and body.“I find it rewarding and challenging to make pots people will use,” Schwartzkopf says. “In my home growing up, hand made objects held special value. They were gestures of consideration and love. I want my pots to live in the kitchen where economy and celebration