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Reaching out at lightning speed Getting to know people outside of your comfort zone is no easy matter. But a student group of Rieke Scholars from the Diversity Center may have found a way to break down some of those walls – Speed Friendship.“We all…
November 10, 2008 Reaching out at lightning speed Getting to know people outside of your comfort zone is no easy matter. But a student group of Rieke Scholars from the Diversity Center may have found a way to break down some of those walls – Speed Friendship.“We all just realized we just get stuck in our own routines,” said Hannah Pershall, student. “You don’t really branch out that often.” So a group of Rieke Scholars, including Pershall, Boo Dodson, Kevin Floyd and Joanne Nguyen came up with
What do you want to be when you grow up? This is the question that almost every student gets asked, especially once they hit their senior year of high school. When I was a senior, I had no idea what to answer. There were so…
knew exactly what they wanted to do. I entered college undecided because I knew that I had time to explore and change my mind. I wanted to leave college with a major that allowed me to help others on a daily basis, but I was unsure about what that major would or could be. In my first year seminar class, our TA spoke about a friend who came into college undecided. After multiple major changes, she ended up getting a sociology major; something she hadn’t even heard of prior to entering college. Funny
‘We’re so much more than a bookstore’ By Chris Albert What’s taking shape at the Garfield Book Company is creating a better way to serve all its customers, said Kristi Dopp, director of the book company. “We’ve reorganized to make it make sense for all…
cares so much about Parkland and about education. I think we’re the embodiment of that.” Read Previous PLU benefactor dies Read Next Who doesn’t like kudos? COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS Tech on the Slopes: PLU computer science students create a scheduling app for White Pass ski patrollers February 27, 2025 Bridging Borders: PLU nursing students gain
Mount Rainier Lutheran High School will make PLU East Campus facility home Mount Rainier Lutheran High School has signed a lease agreement with Pacific Lutheran University for the East Campus building at PLU, starting June 15, 2013. Over the next few months the space will…
the move starting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 12 at the current Mount Rainier sire, immediately following the girls basketball game. There will also be a day-long open house in the new facility on March 15, where guided tours and be available to answer questions. This will also be an opportunity for prospective families to register students. More will be announced about the collaborative partnership between PLU and MRLH. Read Previous Study away blog roundup Read Next ‘For the love of chocolate
Visiting Writer’s Series – No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Face the Global Economy Author Wendy Call will be on campus Feb. 22. Award winning author Wendy Call will talk about her book No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Face the Global Economy…
*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS Tech on the Slopes: PLU computer science students create a scheduling app for White Pass ski patrollers February 27, 2025 Bridging Borders: PLU nursing students gain global health experience in Oaxaca February 21, 2025 Internships, Arts, and Advocacy: Gavin Ripka’s community-based learning experience February 20, 2025 PLU’s women’s
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WA (Jan. 15, 2015)— The Garfield Book Company at Pacific Lutheran University will host Seattle-based novelist Tracy Weber on Friday, Feb 6, at 6 p.m. Weber will read from her new novel, A Killer Retreat , the…
, New York Times bestselling author of the Domestic Diva and Paws and Claws mysteries. “A well-crafted whodunit with an intriguing mystery and a zinger of a twist at the end!” Weber is a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, The Pacific Northwest Writers Association and the Dog Writers Association of America. Weber’s first-time visit to PLU will be the only Pierce County stop on a ten-city tour of Washington state. Read Previous PLU Idol Competition Takes to the Stage During J
By Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer One way to increase student engagement with course content is to promote a variety of instructional resources that provide multiple perspectives or methods of delivery. When planning instructional content, consider how content posted online can enhance the learning taking place…
appropriate for graduate and upper-class students; content generation and peer teaching are best practices grounded in constructivist and andragogical theories of learning. For assistance finding and utilizing a variety of instructional resources for your course, consider partnering with an instructional designer and/or academic librarian. What ways have you expanded your use of instructional resources? Share your experience in the comment section below. *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous
During our recent search for a half-time Director of Congregational Engagement, we heard from a variety of stakeholders as well as the candidates that the Director for Congregational Engagement sounded much more like a full-time rather than a half-time position. Given that reality along with…
gratitude to several well-qualified finalists and decided to extend the interim period for one to two more years while the University identifies necessary resources to make the position a full-time one. Interim Director John Rosenberg will continue in his current position pending the outcome of a new search. Meanwhile, watch for the development of a regular electronic newsletter directed toward faith leaders and their communities in the Pacific Northwest along with a Summer Theological Conference in
Liederabend: An Evening of Song Tune your radio dial to 98.1 FM or listen online this Friday, November 8 at 8 PM as the PLU Regency Voices ensemble performs live on air for KING FM’s NW Focus Live weekly radio program. Regency Voices has assembled…
Regency Voices on KING FM’s NW Focus Live Posted by: Reesa Nelson / November 6, 2019 November 6, 2019 Liederabend: An Evening of SongTune your radio dial to 98.1 FM or listen online this Friday, November 8 at 8 PM as the PLU Regency Voices ensemble performs live on air for KING FM’s NW Focus Live weekly radio program. Regency Voices has assembled a program featuring the music of Johannes Brahms. See below for roles and to learn more about the performers.Soon ChoMezzo-SopranoOksana
Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team earns trip to nationals The PLU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team won the Northwest Conference Championship this April, securing a trip to the NCAA DIII nationals. The team swept through the conference tournament defeating Willamette 14-10, Lewis & Clark 15-3, University of…
April 26, 2012 Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team earns trip to nationals The PLU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team won the Northwest Conference Championship this April, securing a trip to the NCAA DIII nationals. The team swept through the conference tournament defeating Willamette 14-10, Lewis & Clark 15-3, University of Puget Sound 15-3, and Whitman 14-13. Going into the conference championships PLU was ranked second in the nation for DIII schools. Nationals will take place on May 19-20 in Appleton
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