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  • Gretchen Howell Director Full Profile 253-535-7329

  • By:Lisa Patterson '98 September 26, 2019 0 Peace Corps 1024 404 Lisa Patterson '98 Lisa Patterson '98 September 26, 2019 September 26, 2019 Peace Corps When Andrew Larsen ’15 was studying abroad in the former Yugoslavia, he met peace workers who believed wholeheartedly that the world

  • Pacific Lutheran University | All Rights Reserved X Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 – SPRING 2016 SENIOR EDITOR Kari Plog ’11 WRITERS Kari Plog ’11 Lisa Patterson ’98 Zach Powers ’10 Brooke Thames ’18 Samantha Lund ’16 PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith ILLUSTRATOR Steve Skramstad WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara Asuka Goya Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Shanda Tryon ’07

  • April 18, 2008 Relay for Life returns to PLU track Students, faculty, staff and alumni will paint the campus purple on April 25 and 26 during PLU’s third annual Relay for Life The relay begins at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 25. At least one member from each team will circle the university track for 18 hours, with the relay ending at noon on Saturday, April 26. Relay for Life is an annual fund raising event for the American Cancer Society. Held in communities and at universities across the nation in

  • Former three-term State Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., succeeds, Frank Kline, Ph.D. TACOMA, WASH. (July 7, 2016) – Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., has joined Pacific Lutheran University as interim dean of the School of Education & Kinesiology . Bergeson has extensive experience in state education,…

    Former State Superintendent joins PLU as interim dean of the School of Education and Kinesiology Posted by: Zach Powers / July 7, 2016 Image: Terry Bergeson, interim dean of the PLU School of Education and Kinesiology. (photo by John Froschauer/PLU) July 7, 2016 By Donna GibbsPLU Marketing & Communications Former three-term State Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., succeeds, Frank Kline, Ph.D.TACOMA, WASH. (July 7, 2016) – Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., has joined Pacific

  • Nate Schoening Student Success Center in the Mortvedt Library at PLU, Feb. 8, 2019.) In August 2017, then-Acting Provost Joanna Gregson convened a planning group to bring Brown’s vision to life. The result: a mission-aligned, student-centered reimagining of academic support that takes a holistic view of student success. It acknowledges that traditional measurements such as GPA and degree completion alone aren’t able to capture higher education’s complexities. “The Nate Schoening Center for Student

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 12, 2016)- Steinar Bryn’s peacebuilding work has kept him busy in Norway, eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world, but his ties to Pacific Lutheran University run deep. The repeat Nobel Peace Prize nominee has developed and supported dialogue centers in the…

    Dialogue expert Steinar Bryn to discuss international peacebuilding work that has deep ties to PLU Posted by: Kari Plog / February 12, 2016 February 12, 2016 By Kari Plog '11PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 12, 2016)- Steinar Bryn’s peacebuilding work has kept him busy in Norway, eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world, but his ties to Pacific Lutheran University run deep.The repeat Nobel Peace Prize nominee has developed and supported dialogue centers in the Balkans for

  • Lutheran Studies at PLU welcomes students, faculty, staff, and alumni into this global network, into the significant dialogue between cultures as we engage the pressing economic, political, and

    presentations, musical performances, seminars on vocation, summer theological institutes, and an excellent collection of Lutheran works in the library mark PLU as a place where the study of this reforming movement continues to flourish.Quick Links 2023 Lutheran Studies Conference 2022 Lutheran Studies Conference 2021 Lutheran Studies Conference 2020 Lutheran Studies Conference 2019 Lutheran Studies Conference 2018 Lutheran Studies Conference 2017 Lutheran Studies Conference 2016 Lutheran Studies

    Lutheran Studies at PLU
    Hauge Administration Building Room 220C Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • By:Kari Plog '11 September 2, 2016 0 Listen 150 150 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 September 2, 2016 September 28, 2016 Listen Students, faculty, staff and alumni share experiences, offer insight on improving sense of belonging for all Josh Wallace ’19 already knew that growing up black meant his life experience

  • Vice President for Finance and Administration Donna Gibbs Vice President for Marketing and Communications Daniel Lee Vice President for Advancement Joanna C. Royce-Davis, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students OFFICE OF ALUMNI AND CONSTITUENT RELATIONS Jessica Pagel ’08 Director Laura Rose ’03, ’11 Executive Director of Alumni and Constituent Engagement Nolan Ryan Assistant Director Shanda Tryon ’07 Assistant Director Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 253-535-7415 800